1Password on my new computer

Community Member

I want 1Password on my new computer. I synced through iCloud and thought things would be perfect, but I went to the Mac App Store where I bought my 1Password, and it does not offer to let me download my purchased 1Password and Install it again. It shows the price as if I must pay for it again. (I did not use Migration Assistant or connect my two computers together with a cable. I started my new MacBook Pro 15" Retina Display as "new.")

The Apple Store does not show it as a previous purchase, but the little window on my 1Password "About 1Password" when the application is open says "Mac App Store." Maybe I forgot and had originally downloaded from agilebits.com. I don't know how to tell. The point is, can I get help to please put my 1Password on my new computer?


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator
    1. Make sure you are using the same Apple ID.

    2. If so, make sure you are logged in, and click on "reveal hidden purchases" in case you had hidden the purchase. Sorry, I forget exactly where that is found in your account.

  • DaPaBr
    Community Member

    @danco... thank you for your message. I finally only this minute figured out why I was having a problem finding my Mac App Store purchase. I purchased it when I was in Brazil, and that was the address I was using for my Apple ID account when I purchased it. That means my purchase was from the Mac App Store in Brazil... which was a formal store in those days (January 2011). I had purchased through iTunes. I am now trying to figure out how to get it all reconciled with Apple. Thank you again.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @DaPaBr,

    Thanks for letting us know, I'm glad you were able to figure out why it wasn't showing up as one of your purchases in the Mac App Store. Unfortunately, apps purchased from the Mac App Store are tied to the Country/Region setting for your Apple ID. If you change the country of your account, you will no longer see the purchases you made from the previous country. I don't believe Apple allows purchases to be transferred from one country's store to another, but you should definitely contact Apple to see if they can help.

    I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you! Unfortunately it's not something we can control. But if you have more questions about that, please let us know.

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    I think you can't transfer purchases from one country's store to another. But I think you can choose which country's store you are currently logged into. First log out if you are logged in, and then there is a flag bottom right. Click on that to choose country.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Good luck @DaPaBr and please do keep us informed as to how you get along.

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