Duplicate apps
I have duplicates here - https://www.dropbox.com/s/98q6jbae3963tcw/Screenshot 2015-03-17 14.58.35.png?dl=0
This occurred from a time machine backup then install with my license from app store..
Do I just remove one of them, which one?
Hi @jreagan,
You seem to have a copy of both our Agile Web Store (AWS) and Mac App Store (MAS) versions. What I would recommend doing is launching the version of the application titled 1Password (without the 5 at the end). As long as you see your vault as you would expect then you can safely drag the other version titled 1Password 5 to your Trash. The 1Password version is the MAS one and the one you will want to keep while the 1Password 5 is the AWS one that I can only guess you downloaded at some point from our site, maybe to try out.
If you have any problems do please let us know.