iCloud sync does not work any more
Hello Agilebits people,
My config is :
-1 1 iMac 27" in Yosemite 10.10.2,
working with 1Password Version 5.1 (510027) loaded via Mac App Store, sync via iCloud
2- 1 iPad Air iOS 8.2 working with iOS 1Password, sync via iCloud
3- 1 iPhone 5 iOS 8.2 working with iOS 1Password, sync via iCloud
Up to now, the syncing in all directions was perfect.
For a reason I ignore, (maybe the Yosemite upgrade on the iMac, or the use of 1Password 5.1 version, or whatever else..)
the syncing does not work any more.
On any of the 3 devices, the 1Password sync Pref says I am working on the Principal (and unique in my case) vault.
The Pref says also the current sync method was via iCloud, and took place a few minutes ago...
On each of the iDevices, when I force the synchronisation,
the time countdown starts correctly. No result though, no data updated on any of the iDevices.
I hope that the information about my configuration is enough for you to help me. Should I give you any more ?
I thank you very much in advance for your advices.
Without this syncing facility, there is just about no use for your excellent app.
Help me, please...
Bernard Cadier, from France
Hi @bernica,
So are any of the devices in sync with each other? If you create a unique test item in all three copies of 1Password, does that item never make it to any other copy of 1Password?
We have some Simple troubleshooting steps that might help. You might find the entire page useful but we can start with the simple things to try.
So please let us know how you get along with those and as to my query. Hopefully we'll get syncing up and running again :smile: