TOTP auto-fill?

Community Member

Is the TOTP feature supposed to auto-fill in a web form? I can't work out how to make it happen, I'm not quite sure whether that's because it's not possible yet, or if I'm doing something wrong.



  • Hi @matt9,

    Auto-filling the one-time password in the browser is not currently supported. It's certainly something we'd like to see in the future, but I don't have a timeframe for when that could happen.

  • matt9
    Community Member

    In that case, please consider this a feature request :)

    We're finding TOTP very useful in any case, thanks for adding it.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @matt9,

    Please consider your feature request considered and requested! ;)

    Actually, we have an open request for this already, and I've added your feedback. I can't make any promises of course, but I agree this would be a very handy feature, so hopefully we'll be able to include it in the future. Thanks so much for letting us know you're interested in that, I'm happy you're enjoying the TOTP feature!

    ref: OPX-758

  • KevinSayHi
    Community Member

    Same thought here. Please add my vote :+1:

  • PSiAU
    Community Member
    edited April 2015

    Here I was all excited for TOTP in the Mac version, only to discover it didn't auto fill.
    It's a step in the right direction though and nice work on the release.
    Really looking forward to the autofill in a future release :)

  • Runar
    Community Member

    You have my vote as well.

  • Thanks for the votes. :)

  • adihaya
    Community Member

    Also add my vote! This would be very nice.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @adihaya,

    I'd be happy to add your vote - thanks for the feedback!

  • Nuck
    Community Member

    +1 from me

    The fact that it doesn't fill this even on major sites like Google is frustrating and throws off my groove. I mean, I understand it's not at the top of the list, but I cannot imagine this taking more than a couple person-hours to add unless 1password Brain is really gnarly.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Vote added. Thanks, @Nuck!

  • PSiAU
    Community Member
    edited April 2016

    I have a sneaking suspicion AgileBits don't want to add TOPT auto fill (as much as people want it), because it defeats the purpose of having 2FA.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    I have a sneaking suspicion AgileBits don't want to add TOPT auto fill (as much as people want it), because it defeats the purpose of having 2FA.

    It's certainly an interesting theory, @PSiAU. However, if that were true, we would state it plainly. But we are neither disinclined to offer it, nor does it defeat the purpose of multi-factor authentication. Well, automatically filling one-time passwords doesn't defeat the purpose any more than storing the TOTP codes in 1Password.

    But we've written elsewhere about how using 1Password to store TOTP codes does indeed preclude the second factor-ness:

    Indeed, when you store your TOTP secret in the same place that you keep your password for a site, you do not have second factor security.

    However, you still get all the benefits that come from the one-timeness.

    Complete details are in our blog post:

    But I suspect that anyone putting in a feature request for automatic filling of one-time passwords has already decided to store them in 1Password, so they've already moved past that discussion. :)

This discussion has been closed.