Splash ID 7 to 1password

Community Member

I've had to switch from bgadler since i wasn't receiving the confirmation email. I was getting info Mr.C
Here's where we are: Okay, following instructions for importing Splash ID. It going well until hit this. The directions say cut and past3 into Terminal adding 5.16 converter's name command. command: perl convert_to_1p4.pl converter_name v ../pm_export.txt. made changes :perl5.16 splashid. ../pm_export.txt result get is:converters: clipperz essentialpim ewallet handysafe keepass2 keepassx keychain lastpass msecure passworddepot safeincloud safewallet splashid specify one of converters above on command line see complete options Charlys-MacBook-Air:convert_to_1p4 charlyadler$ so what am doing wrong when put in Splashid as converter? Everything smoothly up downloaded convert_to_ip4 file have pm export.txt my desktop.........i feel like i'm almost there, but just can't there.

Then Mr C said: try this: perl5.16 convert_to_1p4.pl splashid -v ../pm_export.vlds

I did and this is what i got:
Charlys-MacBook-Air:convert_to_1p4 charlyadler$ perl5.16 convert_to_1p4.pl splashid -v ../pm_export.vld
Unable to open VID file: ../pm_export.vld
No such file or directory

What am i doing wrong?


  • BGAdler
    Community Member

    Okay, i was following the instructions for importing from Splash ID. It going well until hit this. The directions say to cut and past3 into Terminal adding 5.16 converter's name command. Here's command: perl convert_to_1p4.pl converter_name v ../pm_export.txt. I made changes :perl5.16 splashid. ../pm_export.txt result get is:converters: clipperz essentialpim ewallet handysafe keepass2 keepassx keychain lastpass msecure passworddepot safeincloud safewallet splashid specify one of converters above on command line see complete options Charlys-MacBook-Air:convert_to_1p4 charlyadler$ so what am doing wrong when put in Splashid as converter? Everything smoothly up downloaded convert_to_ip4 file have pm export.txt my desktop.........i feel like i'm almost there, but just can't there.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2015

    Hi @BGAdler,

    Try the following:

    perl5.16 convert_to_1p4.pl splashid -v ../pm_export.vld

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2015

    Hi @CharlyAdler1 / @BGAdler ,

    I've merged your previous thread into this one.

    I was presuming your export file name was pm_export.vld. Perhaps you named it something else. The easiest way to discover the name is to type in the following to the terminal:

     perl5.16 convert_to_1p4.pl splashid -v

    and add a space, and then drag and drop your export file onto the terminal window. Terminal will add the file name for you. Then you can just hit Enter.

    See how that works out.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2015

    @BGAdler, I've merged this thread along with your other one.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    I hope MrC's posts help @BGAdler & @CharlyAdler1

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