CSV importing problems

1Password Alumni
This discussion was created from comments split from: Changing master password and re-encyption of 1P data.


  • mmartell
    Community Member

    I'm trying to import a .csv file but File/Import is grayed out. This is after intalling the 30 day trial of 5.3. My goal is to get my extensive password list from another app (passwords) into 1password for ios.

    Please advise,

  • Hi @mmartell,

    Have you created a vault yet? The import menu isn't active until you've created a vault and unlocked it with your Master Password (giving 1Password something to import into).

  • mmartell
    Community Member

    Thanks bwoodruff. I created a vault and unlocked it and now the File/Import is enabled. However, when I select the file and try to Import As: Login, I get this dialog box: "Items Imported. 0 items imported / o items failed.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mmartell,

    Can I ask, what program did you export from?

    Depending on the program in question you may find this thread, MrC's Convert to 1Password Utility useful as he is our resident guru when it comes to working with exported files. He's very intelligent and willing to help in the use of his convertor.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    I'm listening...

  • mmartell
    Community Member

    I exported from an iOS app called Quick Password Manager.

  • mmartell
    Community Member

    I should mention that it opens .csv file exported from Quick Password Mangager opens fine in Excel.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Do you think you'd be able to create a sample vault, export it to your Mac, and zip it, and send it to me (send me a PM and I'll provide you with an email to use)? I'd like to see the format of the export (and don't want your personal data). The sample should have two or three login / password items, and perhaps one of each type of any other category the password manager might include.

    When I create sample vaults for testing purposes, I use data such as:

    Title: Sample Login 1
    URL: www.example.com
    Username: joe@example.com
    Password: secret"sau,ce
    Notes: My multiiline notes
    é π ß
    with special characters.
  • mmartell
    Community Member

    Moderator: Problem solved. It was because of records with very long strings in the second field. Quick Password Manager exports its Notes items as two records in this format: NoteName, NoteString.

    As long as I have your ear, and a properly exported password file, how do I import into 1password for iOS?

    Thanks in advance,

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mmartell,

    We won't need our resident expert for this question for a sad reason. Unfortunately there isn't a way to directly import a CSV into 1Password for iOS. You would need to import into 1Password for Mac and then you can transfer that vault over to your iOS device which I think you already know.

    Once you have a complete vault in 1Password for Mac though you have a couple of options.

    1. You could use one of our sync options to either merge an existing vault on your iOS device or populate a new one. Wi-Fi & Dropbox are both options available to you from our Agile Web Store (AWS) version that you're running in trial mode at the moment. The Wi-Fi Sync option might be the easiest as you can relatively quickly set it up and have it transfer over everything without needing a Dropbox account.
    2. You can create a backup in 1Password for Mac by going into 1Password's preferences and switching to the Backup tab. From there you would click on the Backup Now button and then the Show Files button to open a Finder window in the right location. You would then copy the most recent backup to your Desktop (for easy access) and then restore that backup in 1Password for iOS using our Creating and restoring 1Password backups in iTunes (iOS).

    Both are viable but you would probably find the Sync over Wi-Fi the easiest of the options in my opinion.

    If you need any further assistance please do ask :smile:

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2015

    I was still hoping to get a sample CSV export. The App has not been updated in 2 years, and I'm not interested in paying for it, nor installing it on my iPad/iPhone, just to get the data format. With the data, I could create a converter for others to use in the future.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mmartell,

    If you could help MrC with his request that would be brilliant and it would help anybody coming along after you :smile:

This discussion has been closed.