Alfred integration not consistently working [possibly not processing correct integration data]
I can't explain this, but sites that were entered into 1PW as Logins some time ago work fine if I type them in Alfred (they show up as 1PW login sites). More recent entries do not trigger 1PW when entered into Alfred. All of the sites that work, and don't work, are under the Logins category, so that doesn't seem to be the issue. Thoughts? Thanks.
Actually, no. The sites do have https in fact.
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Thanks for the follow-up, @dtoub.
Are you able to use Go & Fill to successfully open and fill site pages directly from 1Password (either the main app or mini) that are failing when using Alfred to do it?
If you haven't restarted your Mac since this problem started, please give that a try and see if that helps. And if you can provide us with any website fields for Login items that fail with Alfred we'll have a look at reproducing the problem here.
Also, which version of 1Password are you running, from the Mac App Store or AgileBits Store?
Thanks again!
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Hi. I was running the latest beta (1Password 5
Version 5.4.BETA-4 (540004)
Agile Beta)Because of an issue I have been having with Dropbox (reported in another thread here), as part of my troubleshooting, I reverted to the release version from the App Store. Just tried it with several of the problematic sites (all of which were entered into 1PW in the past week or so; no issues with older URLs), and it works fine. So I think this is an issue with the beta. For example, under the beta, I could not type into Alfred and have it come up as anything other than a google search. Now, it works in Alfred as it should.
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Hi @dtoub,
After chatting with a colleague about this his thoughts were that Alfred is either picking up the third-party integration file from the wrong version of 1Password or that 1Password isn’t updating the third-party integration file for some reason. Seems it might be the second case because it started working again after you switched from the beta version (with a missing or incomplete integration file) to the MAS version (with the correct, complete integration file).
Do you recall if Enable integration with 3rd party apps was enabled in 1Password's Advanced Preferences when you were running the beta version? Are you intending to stick with the MAS version now or would you prefer to switch back to the beta? Also, which version of Alfred are you using?
If you do return to the 1Password beta we're happy to resume helping you resolve its Alfred integration issue. :)
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Enable integration with third-party apps was indeed enabled in the beta version. I even unchecked and rechecked it to see if that would make a difference, but it did not. For now, I'm sticking with the MAS version mainly because I'm also having a Dropbox issue (the issue is likely with Dropbox, not 1PW) and need to have iCloud sync as a workaround, but once that's resolved on my end, I would definitely like to return to the beta and work through this. Thanks.
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Hi @dtoub,
I hope your Dropbox syncing issue is soon resolved!
With Alfred 2.7 (released yesterday) it appears that if the 3rd party integration file exists for both the AgileBits Store (including beta) and Mac App Store versions of 1Password the latter's data is automatically used by Alfred (by default). Having Enable integration with 3rd party apps only enabled in the version of 1Password you want that feature available with in Alfred might be the easiest way of handling this.
But I've also run into a case where Alfred is failing to process the integration file for the AgileBits Store (beta) version and ignoring a path specifically set to the file. Interestingly enough, at one point it automatically picked up data from an older 1Password.agilekeychain from version 3 that I've since moved out of the way to make sure it's not interfering. I'll post an update here with any new findings after I've finished troubleshooting this.
I found that Alfred ignores the AgileBits Store integration file if the folder for the Mac App Store version exists, even when it's empty. A workaround is to remove this folder:
~/Library/Containers/ Party Integration
Preferably after disabling Enable integration with 3rd party apps in the MAS version so it won't be unintentionally recreated. Disabling that option in either version currently leaves the corresponding integration folder empty; we'll consider removing it entirely.
I've also reported this to the Alfred folks at Running with Crayons.