Capitalization duplicates first letter of word (Dutch)
Hi all,
First off: great product!!
I was adding a new identity today, and I noticed a couple of words that have their first letter duplicated. My guess is that whenever a capitalization of a word is required, the first letter gets added in stead of replaced by the capital ?
Anyway, thought you guys wanted to know :-) I added a screenshot to point out my (minor) "issue".
Kind Regards,
Kristof Goossens
Screenshot: Duplication of first letter
Hi @kgoossens,
Thank you for pointing this out :smile:
Have I got this correct?
(default phone) should bestandaardtelefoon
(department) should beafdeling
ref: template_Identity.strings
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Hi @littlebobbytables yes thats correct.
should beStandaard telefoon
and @Stephen_C i will check on Crowdin.0 -
@Stephen_C you are correct, its wrongly translated in Crowdin. I've adapted the translations, (Ee-mail was another one) however i guess it needs to be approved/voted before it will be adapted.
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@kgoossens, thank you so much for your help with the translation! :) Our translations are handled primarily by users who volunteer, so we (and our users) certainly appreciate that you took the time to help.
If you need anything else, we're here for you!