Hypothetical Situation

Community Member

I am considering using 1Password but have one fundamental hesitation. Say for example I am on holiday and my Mac and iPhone get stolen (and any USB stick holding my vault w/ 1Password anywhere details). My understanding is that I now cannot login to any of my banking/credit card/etc. services - is this correct?

Apologies if this has been answered before but I have searched the forums.


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    1Password in some situations requires more than one password to be remembered. Assuming you had set up Dropbox sync and knew your Dropbox password as well as your 1PW master password, you could use 1Password Anywhere on any browser in any computer to access your data in Dropbox. So you would be able to log in as needed.

  • ajbcole
    Community Member

    Thank you very much! So provided I know my 1Password Master Password and my Dropbox password then I could, for example, have read-only access to all of my stored passwords from an internet cafe.

    Will this only work with Dropbox, or is there an alternative (such as iCloud)?

    Thanks again

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I'm afraid it will work only with Dropbox and not with iCloud. See this knowledge base article for more about using 1Password Anywhere.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ajbcole,

    It's true that you can't access your vault if you use iCloud Sync but in theory I believe you ought to be able to drop a copy of your .agilekeychain into iCloud Drive and access it via that way. I'm not a very cloudy user myself but I'll try this as soon as I'm back in front of my test machine to get confirmation.

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