1Password won't allow me to select Dropbox vault
I'm on:
Mac OS X 10.10.3
1Password 5
Version 5.3 (530032)
Agile Web Store
Dropbox 3.4.3
A little background: Somehow I ended up with two different vaults on Dropbox, with some of my computers syncing with one or the other. I really don't know how it happened — they both started out using the same one, almost two years ago. Perhaps something about the vault being in a shared Dropbox folder (I use it with two different Dropbox accounts for work & home), and I noticed it around the time of the upgrade from 1Password 4 to 5.
Anyway, I realized this, and reset all of my Macs and other devices to use the same vault again, and all but one of them took the adjustment just fine.
The last Mac, I went to Preferences > Sync > Sync Primary vault with "None", to stop syncing, and then I web back to Preferences > Sync > Sync Primary vault with "Dropbox". I "clicked here" to find the dropbox folder, and selected the canonical 1Password.agilekeychain, and then clicked Continue and… it does nothing. I can click Continue as many times as I like, but it never goes any further, so I can't actually sync with my keychain.
Any ideas?
Well, I think I might have just solved it for myself. I noticed the "Modified" date on the file was not as recent as I would expect, so my suspicion turned to Dropbox not updating it for some reason.
I went into the Dropbox Preferences > Account > Selective Sync: Change Settings… and unchecked the 1Password folder, and clicked Update. I waited for the folder to be removed from this Mac, and then went into the Preferences, re-checked it, and Updated again. Once the folder had synced down again, I tried selecting it in 1Password preferences, and lo and behold, 1Password accepted it and asked if I wanted to merge.
So, just merged, and it looks like things are working well.
Or as Emily Litella would say, “Never miiiiind.”
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Small note: It would have been useful for 1Password to give me some sort of error when it wasn't accepting the original Dropbox file, whether it was because it didn't think it was actually an .agilekeychain file or it had been corrupted or what. Just doing nothing when I clicked Continue was the most maddening part of it all, because I had no idea why 1Password was rejecting it.
So, feature request: put an error message in there.
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Hi @bobtiki,
Completely agreed about error presentation there. I'd be curious to know what was stopping it from accepting that agilekeychain as is. It does the absolute bare minimum of validation of the agilekeychain before loading it up. Unless that agilekeychain file was missing a good chunk of its contents, I have trouble imagining what would have caused it to error out like that. Would you mind getting us a Diagnostics Report which will hopefully point to why the bundle wasn't accepted? Doing so is as simple as following the instructions on this page. You can either send that file to support+forums@agilebits.com and include a link to this forum thread, or you can just DM me a link to the file on twitter (to my personal account that you follow).
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Thanks, Rick! I've emailed the report.
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Hi @bobtiki,
I see Rick has replied to you. As we're now communicating with you via email I'm going to go ahead and close this thread (just to avoid any confusion over multiple communication channels) but if you have any further questions or issues please do post.
ref: PIQ-86839-458