Exporting Logon Files from LastPass to 1Password
I'm trying to import logon files from LastPass. I reviewed support. The only export options on LP are HTML only or Complete Webpage. I exported and it opened a new tab. It looks like a comma delimited listing. I saved as HTML only as the only other choice is Complete webpage. It's saved on my desktop but 1Password does not recognize it and its a grayed out file. What do I do other than manually re enter every logon?
Hi @johnscosgrove,
Your post is a good coincidence, as I just helped someone remotely about 2 hours ago with converting LastPass data using this converter.
You want to save the raw text that LastPass presents in the separate web page as Plain Text in UTF8 format. To do that, you have to Copy and Paste that text into a separate document using, say, TextEdit (in Plain Text mode, not RTF mode).
It is best to use the LastPass extension's export:
Tools > Advanced Tools > Export To > LastPass CSV File
. It avoids the having to save the document manually via Copy / Paste.I'd recommend you use the converter mentioned above if you have more than just Logins in 1Password. Ask if you want help. The conversion takes a few seconds.