Disappearing attachments

Community Member
edited May 2015 in Mac


I have been having a problem with missing attachments since the beginning of the year, or at least this is when I started to notice it.

Finally I decided to get some tracking down of this, and this is what I have, - please see the screenshot.


(1) Everything’s fine
(2) Done a clean system re-install. Synced 1Password database from Dropbox. Missing some attachments :-(
(3) Restored some of the lost attachments
(4) Done a clean system re-install, again. And once again the attachments that were restored last time are lost


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Please let us know some basic information so that we can help.

    1. What version of 1P are you using? (Go to 1Password > About 1Password, click on *Copy to Clipboard" and post the result here.)
    2. What is your OS X version on your Mac?
    3. What version of 1P are you using on any device to which you sync, what is that device and what OS version is it running?


  • brennt
    Community Member

    At the moment, I am no 1P 5.3.1 on Mac OS X 10.10.3, and I also have 1P 5.4.1 on iOS 8.3.

    But as this has been going on for several months, at least, this then cannot be pointed on to a specific version of 1P or an operating system, or a combination of them.

    Though I must say, as the absolute majority of attachments were added to my 1P database back in summer/autumn before the 1P 5.0, and they always synced fine under 1P 4.x, I would then attribute this problem generally to 1P 5.x, in my case. Maybe this is not fair, but such is my non-scientific observation on the matter.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @brennt,

    Thank you for the additional details. Just to make sure I understand: A few days ago you did a "clean system re-install" and then set up 1Password again by syncing your vault from Dropbox. You noticed it was missing some attachments (you had 95 instead of 105) and then re-added some of those. You did a system re-install again, and set up 1Password by syncing your vault from Dropbox again, and are missing the same extensions as before. Is that correct?

    If so, it sounds like a problem with Dropbox sync. In your screenshot of the 1Password backup files, the backup from April 29 has 105 attachments, and if you had restored from that backup, you should have had all of those attachments again. Instead, you restored your 1Password data by syncing with your vault in Dropbox, which apparently only has 95 of your attachments. I'm not sure why the attachments you re-added to 1Password didn't sync to Dropbox, but the first thing to check here would be the sync settings on both your Mac and iOS device:

    On your Mac, open 1Password and go to the menu for 1Password > Preferences, then click the Sync tab. Does that show your vault is syncing with Dropbox? If so, check the file path for the 1Password.agilekeychain file.

    On your iOS device, open 1Password and go to Settings > Sync. Does it show that the Sync Service is Dropbox? If so, check the file path for the 1Password.agilekeychain file (underneath Current Sync Method / Dropbox).

    Is Dropbox sync enabled on both Mac and iOS, and are they syncing with the same keychain file?

    If the sync settings are fine, you can get your 105 attachments back by restoring from the 1Password backup from April 29. But if you've made any other changes since then, you'll lose them, so before restoring from a backup, make a new backup of your current data by opening 1Password on your Mac and going to File > Backup.

    Let us know how it goes up to this point, and we'll continue from there if you need more help. Thanks!

  • brennt
    Community Member

    Hello Drew_AG !

    That is correct, what you've described in the 1st paragraph.

    It is the problem with the Dropbox sync, but why is it so I do not understand. Neither 1P for Mac nor Dropbox never signaled anything concerning issues with syncing (iOS does not have issues other) and moreover, the 1P database entries (secure note, login, etc.) for holding attachments, which were created at the same time as the attachments were added to them, are all in place, just empty.

    I am using a single 1P database / keychain file and I only edit it on my Mac.

    After I wrote the above I have made the following test.

    I created a new secure note and added a 49 KB PDF to it. Synced without errors to/from Dropbox on Mac/iOS. Though, the result is that there is no PDF attachment when I opened the new secure note entry on iOS.

    Is 1P for Mac not uploading attachments then?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @brennt,

    That's very strange! Thanks for testing that and letting us know what happened. I tried the same thing just now and it worked correctly under the same setup/versions. So I wonder if there might be a problem with the vault/sync data in Dropbox. We can reset that to see if it helps, but before doing that, can you confirm if all your latest/current data and attachments are on iOS? From your description, I wasn't sure if that was the case. I know the new test attachment didn't sync from Mac to iOS, but does your iOS device seem to have all the attachments from before the problem started, and do they work?

    If you have everything in 1Password on iOS (aside from the new, test attachment of course) then you should create a backup as a precaution.

    To reset Dropbox sync, you can follow these steps:

    On your iOS device:

    • Open 1Password and go to Settings > Sync > Sync Service.
    • Tap Disable Sync and confirm you want to disable it.

    On your Mac:

    • Open 1Password and go to 1Password > Preferences in the menu bar.
    • Click the Sync tab, then choose your Primary vault on the left side of the Sync options.
    • Change the sync from Dropbox to None.
    • Check the box to Delete data from Dropbox, then click Disable Sync.

    • Restart the Mac and iOS devices.

    • On your Mac, go back to 1Password > Preferences > Sync.

    • Choose Dropbox from the “Sync vault with” pop-up menu.
    • Click the Choose button, then select your main Dropbox folder (then click Open).
    • Click Create New to create a new 1Password.agilekeychain file in Dropbox/1Password.
    • Allow Dropbox to fully sync.

    On your iOS device:

    • Open 1Password and go to Settings > Sync > Start Syncing.
    • Choose Sync with Dropbox.
    • When you see your Dropbox account name, tap on the name (do not tap on the 'i' icon).
    • When asked to choose a vault, choose 1Password/1Password.agilekeychain.
    • If you see a Vault Mismatch message, tap More Info and then tap Merge These Vaults Anyway.
    • Allow Dropbox to complete the sync.

    This should get Dropbox sync back up and running correctly again. If so, try adding another test attachment to 1Password on your Mac to see if it syncs to iOS. Let us know how it all goes, and if you have questions about any of that. Thanks!

  • brennt
    Community Member

    Hey Drew_AG !

    I have followed the instructions and can report back the following result.

    Basically, there has been no change. The older attachments that made their way into 1P database before this problem began, synced fine and I can see them on my iOS device, but the attachment that was attached to the test entry that I created earlier, is still not in the Dropbox / iOS. I created also another new test entry with a tiny text file attached to it, and it is the same story, - the secure note entry is on the 1P iOS, but not the file that is attached to it.

    As such, my layperson idea on this is that my keychain is broken, somehow, which prevents new attachments to make their way into Dropbox.

  • brennt
    Community Member

    In the attempt to test the hypothesis that my 1P database is broken, I created a new vault.

    • I have added a secure note entry and attached a text file.
    • Synced with iOS and attachment was there.

    After this, I went back to the vault that I actually use, - my problem vault.

    • I created another test entry with an attachment.
    • Synced with iOS and attachment was there.
    • The test entry with attachment that I created yesterday, still had no attachment on iOS.
    • There are visual differences between the attachment that was synced to Dropbox / iOS and which was left out. Please see the screenshot; the attachment without the icon next to the file name, is the one that was left out from being synced.

    The outcome of this that I see:

    There is some problem in 1P and/or my database and the creation of new vault somehow nudged things in a right direction.

    Now, where do we go from here?

  • brennt
    Community Member


    I would like to ask if this problem is or will be under review by quality assurance? Is the forum the right channel for this, or does communication need to take place through a different conduit?

    Do you require more information that needs to be submitted on my part?

    Is there a tool to asses the structural health / resiliency of my 1P vault / database?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2015

    Hi @brennt,

    I apologize for the delay in getting back to you about this! Thank you very much for the information you've provided. I've been looking into the problem but I'm afraid I'm rather stumped as to why that's happening. To help us figure out what's going on, I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac and from your iOS device:

    —Mac— https://support.1password.com/diagnostics/mac.html

    —iOS— https://support.1password.com/diagnostics/ios.html

    Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support+forum@agilebits.com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Reports in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email(s), along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Reports in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply with a ticket ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the reports and make sure you receive a reply as quickly as possible.

    Once we see the reports we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

    ref: SAD-55887-263

This discussion has been closed.