Need to merge vaults

Community Member

I somehow created 2 vaults for my passwords. how can I merge them into 1 vault so that my 3 apple products have access to the same info?


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mustangally,

    Just to make sure I understand: Do you mean you have a Primary and secondary vault set up in 1Password on your Mac, and each one has different data, and you want to merge it all into your Primary vault (and then delete the secondary vault)?

    If so, that should be pretty easy to do, and we'll just need a few more details to make sure we give you the correct steps to get this all sorted out properly:

    • What devices/computers are you syncing with 1Password?
    • What version of 1Password are you using on each device/computer?
    • Are you currently syncing both vaults to the other computers/devices?
    • What sync method are you using for each vault?

    Thanks in advance!

  • mustangally
    Community Member

    Yes to your first question.
    I am using Macs.
    MacBook Pro Version: 5.3.1
    iPhone: I don't know how to find that information; also, it only shows 1 Vault, not 2, which is on my MacBook Pro.
    iPad: " " " "

    Also, I get an error message on my iPad: "Mismatch on iPad. Data in Primary vault is different from the vault you selected in DropBox. We recommend you don't merge."

    Thanks for your help.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mustangally,

    Thanks for the information! The exact version on your iOS devices shouldn't be a problem as long as you're using 1Password 4 or 5. If you want to check the exact version to be sure, open the 1Password app, and the version number should be shown on the Settings screen directly underneath the "Recommend 1Password" option. Also, you didn't specifically say which sync method you're using, but since you're getting a "Vault Mismatch" message about Dropbox on your iPad, I'll assume you're using Dropbox.

    Before doing anything else, let's make a current backup of the 1Password data on your Mac as a precaution. Simply open the 1Password app and go to File > Backup (this will open Preferences > Backup, and should show a new backup was created).

    Now you can follow these steps to merge the two vaults on your Mac:

    • In 1Password, go to the menu for 1Password > Preferences, then choose the Sync tab.
    • Select your secondary vault on the left side.
    • If the secondary vault is syncing with Dropbox, change it to None, then check the box to Delete data from Dropbox and click Disable Sync.
    • Change the sync from None to Folder.
    • Click the Choose button, then select the Desktop (and click Open).
    • Click Create New to create a new .agilekeychain file on the Desktop.
    • Select your Primary vault on the left side, then change the sync from Dropbox to Folder.
    • Click Disable Sync, but do not choose to delete the data.
    • Click the Choose button and select the .agilekeychain you just created on the Desktop (and click Open).
    • Click Merge with Existing to start syncing.

    At this point, all your data should be in the Primary vault on your Mac. If so, follow these steps to switch the Primary vault back to Dropbox sync:

    • Go back to the Sync preferences and select your Primary vault on the left side.
    • Change the sync from Folder to Dropbox.
    • Check the box to Delete data from the folder and click Disable Sync.
    • Click the Choose button, then select your 1Password.agilekeychain file in Dropbox (and click Open).
    • Click Merge with Existing to start syncing.

    If everything goes well up to this point, you can delete the secondary vault from 1Password, because all of its data should now be in the Primary vault. In the main window of the 1Password app, go to the menu for 1Password 5 > Switch to Vault and select your secondary vault. Then go to 1Password 5 > Delete [secondary vault name] Vault.

    It sounds like you might need to re-enable Dropbox sync in 1Password on your iPad. When you do that, you'll see the Vault Mismatch warning again. It's just a warning to make sure you don't accidentally combine two completely different vaults. When you see the Vault Mismatch message, tap More Info, then tap Merge These Vaults Anyway. That will simply update 1Password on your iPad with any newer data in Dropbox (and vice versa).

    Please let us know how it all goes for you and if you have any questions about those steps (or if you run into any problem). Thanks!

  • mustangally
    Community Member

    Go back to the Sync preferences and select your Primary vault on the left

    Change the sync from Folder to Dropbox.
    Check the box to Delete data from the folder and click Disable Sync.

    **Click the Choose button, then select your 1Password.agilekeychain file in
    Dropbox (and click Open).*
    Click Merge with Existing to start syncing.

    Well I was going along swimmingly until I reached: XXXXXX

    When I went to click Choose button * the file was no longer on my desktop.
    I m not an idiot, so it's not like I accidentally deleted it or anything.
    But it's nowhere in sight. I can't go any further than this until I know
    what to do next. Yes I backed up before all this. And yes I still have my 2
    vaults. When I try to click Dropbox, it asks me to choose my DropBox file
    and I can't do that because I don't know where it is.

    Please advise.
    Thanks, Alexis

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mustangally,

    1. Go back to the Sync preferences and select your Primary vault on the left side.
    2. Change the sync from Folder to Dropbox.
    3. Check the box to Delete data from the folder and click Disable Sync.
    4. Click the Choose button, then select your 1Password.agilekeychain file in Dropbox (and click Open).
    5. Click Merge with Existing to start syncing.

    I've reprinted the second block of steps from Drew's post but I've numbered them to try and help make it a little easier.

    Now by the sounds of it you successfully completed step 3., is that correct? If you did and if you did tick the checkbox then this would explain why the .agilekeychain is missing from your Desktop. The checkbox instructed 1Password to delete the sync data which is the .agilekeychain.

    Now you should still have another .agilekeychain but this one is in a different location.

    The two probable locations are:

    1. ~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain
    2. ~/Dropbox/apps/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain

    The first is if you first started syncing from your Mac while the second is if you first started syncing from an iOS device. I think the first is more likely. Now just in case you're not sure what the ~ means, it's a way of saying your user folder on your Mac. So I have an account called LittleBobbyTables and the shorthand of that is LBT. So for me ~ translates to /Users/LBT/ and that would make the full path /Users/LBT/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain. I would hope that if you were to open a Finder window you should have a Dropbox entry in the sidebar on the left. Clicking on that would be the equivalent of ~/Dropbox/ so you would then only be looking for a folder containing a 1Password.agilekeychain at that point.

    Another option would be to use the search bar in the top right hand corner of the Finder window. By default this should search your entire user folder and if you see an entry titled 1Password.agilekeychain you can right click on it and select an option titled Get Info or Show in Enclosing Folder. If you pick the Show in Enclosing Folder it will open a new Finder window where this .agilekeychain is, if you select the Get Info option it will open a new window with details on the 1Password.agilekeychain. Of these, the third line in the General section at the top titled Where will show you where it is currently hiding.

    At this point I believe you should be able to return to step 4. now that you know where it is.

    Does that help at all?

  • mustangally
    Community Member


    I looked for DropBox in the left side of the Finder window. As you can see by the screen shot, there is nothing in the file.

    I could not find the same file when I used Spotlight.

    Thanks so much for trying to help me.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mustangally,

    I think I understand what happened, and I'm very sorry for the confusion! It's ok that you no longer have 1Password.agilekeychain in your Dropbox folder, it just means that you'll need to create a new one instead of selecting an existing one. All your merged data from both vaults should be in your Primary vault at this point, so you can simply re-enable Dropbox sync for the Primary vault, select your main Dropbox folder, and that should create a new keychain file. You can follow these steps to do that:

    • Open 1Password on your Mac and go to the menu for 1Password > Preferences.
    • Choose the Sync tab and select your Primary vault on the left side.
    • Change the sync to Dropbox.
    • Click the Choose button, then select your Dropbox folder on the left side of the selection window (and click Open).
    • Click Create New to start syncing.

    That will create a new 1Password.agilekeychain bundle in Dropbox/1Password/. Assuming all goes as expected, you can follow the rest of my steps to delete the secondary vault from 1Password on your Mac, and re-enable Dropbox sync on your iPad:

    If everything goes well up to this point, you can delete the secondary vault from 1Password, because all of its data should now be in the Primary vault. In the main window of the 1Password app, go to the menu for 1Password 5 > Switch to Vault and select your secondary vault. Then go to 1Password 5 > Delete [secondary vault name] Vault.

    It sounds like you might need to re-enable Dropbox sync in 1Password on your iPad. When you do that, you'll see the Vault Mismatch warning again. It's just a warning to make sure you don't accidentally combine two completely different vaults. When you see the Vault Mismatch message, tap More Info, then tap Merge These Vaults Anyway. That will simply update 1Password on your iPad with any newer data in Dropbox (and vice versa).

    You will probably also need to re-enable Dropbox sync in 1Password on your iPhone, but the steps should be the same as on your iPad. Please let us know how it all goes for you, thanks!

  • mustangally
    Community Member

    By George I think I've got it! I did all that you suggested and I think it's working just fine now. Thank you all for all your help. I really appreciate it.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news, thanks for letting us know it's working correctly now! :)

    If you ever need anything else, we're always happy to help!

This discussion has been closed.