Browser Choice to allow saving to iBooks

Community Member

I have chosen to use Safari as my browser of choice because when using my IPhone 6+ or IPad Air 2, and wanting to "send to iBooks" (for instance a .pdf) it appears to be the only viable option.

It also seems to be a bit hit and miss when it comes to this task.

Can someone tell me if "send to iBooks" should be viable in the 1password browser and if used via Safari it should always work?

Thanks in anticipation.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @HowardGS,

    I took a peek at 1Browser but it doesn't have this feature. We have the Share button and you can share Open in Safari to send a URL to iOS Safari but no Open in "iBooks". Anything in WebKit we should get for free so it looks like this is something added on top of it.

    Our iOS Safari Extension for 1Password though should allow you to interact with 1Password for all your filling needs so you may find the need for 1Browser isn't what it once was. Certainly prior to iOS 8 it served a real purpose because we couldn't fill a login page in iOS Safari but Extensions have very much changed the landscape :smile:

    Does that help?

  • HowardGS
    Community Member

    Hi, and thanks for your fast input again.

    It certainly clarifies the situation but the problem when logged into a secure site for instance to download a bank statement, ideal from a security angle in your browser, just results in a new login page if you "open in safari". Hence no gain, back to square 1.

    Is it likely or viable that you can service the "open in" needs of IOS users fully or is that a non starter? I think iBooks being an Apple App should mean they will be charitable in giving help unless of course they don't like you having your own browser.

    Integration failings usua

  • HowardGS
    Community Member


    Integration failings usually end up with a loss for the third party and rather than swapping between two browsers, I seem to be stuck with Safari when I would prefer to give yours a shot. I did the same with Chrome for identical reasons as I use "send to" a lot.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @HowardGS,

    Thank you for the explanation of what you're trying to achieve. The example highlights nicely why sending the URL to Safari is a non-starter.

    I did check a couple of third party iOS browsers and I haven't found one that supports this. If I had to guess it might suggest iBook doesn't have a share extension where we can pass something to it, which is a pity.

    I don't know what the state of play with 1Browser is but I can add a feature request on your behalf. Originally 1Browser was to allow people to use their Login items but with iOS extensions the need for an included browser seems lessened, at least to me. That's not to say we're getting rid of it as I genuinely don't know.

    ref: OPI-2688

  • HowardGS
    Community Member

    Thanks again, I was keen to invoke the browser security which incidentally features in the new user email from agilebits owner (keeps his nosy kids from his secure shopping- love it) but it seems you feel that's not such an issue any more.

    I will happily stick with Safari as whilst it has its irritations it does the job for me and my "send to" requirements are simplified.

    Useful advice again, and appreciated.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    What can I say @HowardGS, I love what we've done with the iOS Safari Extension. It gives you full access to iOS Safari with it's private tabs (if you need to keep something secret). That isn't to say that 1Browser may not have its uses, but I'm a big convert to iOS Safari now we have the extension. Don't get wrong, 1Browser served a very important purpose before but that need may be lessened now. I am just one point of view though :smile:

    Regardless I did place your request as it is not my place to deny - I'm an enabler :sunglasses:

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