1Password mini display information
Hi reader,
I was wondering if there are others with the same problem as I have.
I'm using 1Password to save all my logins, that includes some site with 2 or more logins (private, business...)
My problem is pretty well documented in the screenshot attached.
Any chance you guys could add the username oder at least the tags to the domain information in the 1password mini so that I can identify on first sight my desired login?
Hi @at3mlos,
That's a pretty reasonable request and I've added your voice to the existing feature request (you're not the only person that would like to see this). For the moment though I'm afraid your only options are either adjusting the title of the Login item, which I can understand you may not like doing or I sometimes make use of the keyboard to quickly jump in and out of the Item Details bubble in 1Password mini. With a particular Login item highlighted, the right arrow key opens up the Item Details and the left arrow key closes it again.
Obviously neither is as nice as showing the additional information in 1Password mini but hopefully one of those might help a little while we work on this.
ref: OPM-1700