Dropbox Sync API Deprecated?

Community Member

Hi, a developer of another app I use recently posted this to their blog:

We recently were notified by Dropbox of the following developments over there:

As part of our effort to simplify the Dropbox Developer Platform, we're deprecating the Sync and Datastore APIs over the next 12 months.

That is fancy speech for "syncing to Dropbox won't work in the future". This is quite a bummer for all of us, because we relied heavily on their auto-syncing ...

Is this something that will affect 1Password on OS X and iOS, or is 1Password using other syncing mechanisms on Dropbox? Thanks!


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kirbysdl,

    Great question! It sounds like that message is referring to the announcement from Dropbox here: https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2015/04/deprecating-the-sync-and-datastore-apis/

    Fortunately you don't need to worry - 1Password will not be affected by Dropbox depreciating the Sync and Datastore APIs. 1Password for Mac doesn't actually use an API for Dropbox. It writes data to the Dropbox folder stored locally on your Mac, and the Dropbox client is responsible for syncing that data to/from the Dropbox servers. 1Password for iOS uses the the Dropbox Core API, so we don't use the APIs that they’re deprecating.

    If you have more questions about that, please let us know - we're always happy to help! :)

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