2 Macs syncing via iCloud: need to lock-unlock before changes take effect
Hi, I have 2 Macs (on 10.10.3), both running Version 5.3 (530029) from Mac App Store with my iCloud account.
Now, when I add a new object or edit an existing one on Mac1, the changes are not synced immediately to Mac2 (vice versa it's the same).
At least, the information does not update "live" on the screen while I'm watching "All objects" sorted by Change date. I have waited for several minutes (keeping 1password unlocked by occasional arrow-up/down).
Only after I lock and unlock Mac2 all changes/additions are correctly reflected in the "All objects" list.
However, I am wary of running into race conditions and Mac2 possibly overwriting changes made by Mac1.
Is this (for whatever reason) by intention? Or is the information supposed to update live as I watch?
I haven't checked with iOS devices, yet.
Hi @asdfghjklö,
It should update without locking. Previously when I've tested this I've found it to be quite responsive, today not so much. Given how black box iCloud still is it might be something on their end. When you lock and unlock it forces a sync which is why you see 1Password update then. It would seem that 1Password isn't being notified by iCloud of changes in a timely fashion if I had to guess. As I say, I've seen it respond really quickly not that long ago and using this exact configuration. That's why I'm leaning towards iCloud.
If you edit the same field in the same Login in two locations between synchronisations 1Password will create a Conflicts section to store the queried data. Obviously it's better to avoid it but at least you know that if you do end up in this situation 1Password will prefer to keep everything and leave the decision with you than trying to guess and getting it wrong. I'll have to keep an eye on iCloud sync and see if later it decides to jump into life again.