Yosemite and 1Password5, not syncing

Community Member

After an unexpected hard drive failure on my iMac, I upgraded to Yosemite and had to install 1Password 5. To reclaim my vault, I restored 1Pass5 from a backup on my iPhone. Now when I try to sync to my mobile devices, I get "ErrorDomain error 7027", and its states that I attempted to sync with a different vault than originally configured. But I have only one vault. Any advice?


  • jcrod1
    Community Member

    Disregard I thing I found a previous post about this issue.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jcrod1,

    I'm assuming based on your second post that the information you found has resulted in working sync again :smile: If you do have any other questions or issues please do ask and we'll do our best to help.

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