New York Life Insurance site - wrong button selected

Volunteer Moderator
edited July 2015 in 1Password in the Browser

Open and fill for this login:

seems to select the New User button instead of the Sign In button. The code is:

<div><span class="label"></span><span><button class="nyl-btn-blue" type="button" value="submit" onClick="javascript:submitOptions()" tabindex="3">Sign In</button>&nbsp;<button class="nyl-btn-blue alt" type="newuser" value="newuser" onclick="location.href='/VSCRegWebApp/register?Step=1'; return false;">New User</button></span>

Also, the rich icon is less than stellar:

It should be something more like:

1Password 5
Version 5.4.BETA-21 (540021)
Agile Beta


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @MrC: Hmm. This is the error I'm getting after trying to fill using a newly-manually-saved login:

    Login Failed
    Please verify User Name/Password and try again.

    Is that what you're seeing as well? This doesn't appear to be the 'new user' result you're describing, and I tried it both using autosubmit and submitting the form manually. Try saving a new login and let me know if that helps. Otherwise, I wonder which browser and OS version you're using, and if that might be significant. Thanks in advance! :)

    P.S: I've reported the rich icon so it can be revised. Cheers!

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited July 2015


    The login works fine in Safari, but fails in Firefox. OS X 10.10.4.

    I'd tried a new login yesterday - no difference.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MrC,

    I don't have access to my usual test machine at the moment but I'm wondering if Chrome behaves like Safari or like Firefox. My suspicion, based on something I learned today, is that Chrome will behave like Safari which isn't what you would expect given how more alike Firefox and Chrome are. I'll try that out as soon as I can unless you get to it before me. Unfortunately I'm not sure why it's happening based on what I understand or what the answer is. I shall see what I can learn.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    The login works fine in Safari, but fails in Firefox. OS X 10.10.4.

    @MrC: Yes! I was able to confirm that this only happens in Firefox. Chrome and Safari are not affected (WebKit legacy?)

    I've reported this via our Synapse website issue tracker and also documented it internally so the development team can investigate further. Thanks for bringing this inconsistency to our attention! :)

    ref: OPX-1031

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