1Password causes issues with Starbucks checkout with new online store

Community Member


1Password 5.3,
Yosemite 10.10.4
Safari 8.0.7
Firefox 39

I kept getting booted off the Starbucks Store Online. When I would go to complete a purchase (for an e-gift card) when I tried to check out I would be bounced to the front page. After spending 37 minutes with Starbucks phone support, they figured out 1Password was most likely causing the return to the front page. This was happening on both FireFox and Safari.

Once I uninstalled 1Password I was able to complete the purchase.

1Password Version: 5.3
Extension Version: 4.4.1
OS Version: 10.10.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    A quick search on the forum for Starbucks reveals you are not alone. :)


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @NancySeeger,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble with the 1Password extension and the Starbucks website! We've received many reports of problems using the 1Password extension to sign into the Starbucks site, and you can find more information about that in this thread.

    However, you said the problem happens when trying to complete a purchase on the Starbucks site. Do you mean you're using 1Password to fill login credentials, or credit card info, or an address? Or are you saying you just click a "Check Out" button on the site and get redirected to the main page? (That would be strange, as 1Password shouldn't have anything to do with that.)


    ref: OPX-744

  • NancySeeger
    Community Member

    Hi Drew,

    From the "Check Out" once I click on the button I'm redirected to sign-in again to verify I am an account holder. Once I login I am bounced to the front page.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for clarifying! If the problem is happening when using 1Password to fill your login details on the Starbucks site, that's definitely part of the known issue. I apologize for the inconvenience! You don't need to disable the 1Password extension, but just try to remember not to use the 1Password extension on that site. Instead, when you need to sign into the Starbucks site, for now you'll need to copy & paste your username and password from 1Password into the form on Starbucks.com.

    Again, I'm sorry 1Password doesn't work better with the Starbucks site! Our developers are working on this, and I'll let them know you're also experiencing this issue.

  • flight2k
    Community Member

    Man, I'm glad I tumbled across this message. For months now I've been trying to figure out what is wrong with the Starbucks site. Today I typed in my username and password and it worked just fine. When I tried to fill in with 1P it took me to the home screen as discussed above. Then I typed in by hand again successfully. So odd. That's when I found this thread and I can put that problem to rest now. I'll type in by hand until I hear otherwise.

  • Vee_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @flight2k,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue as well, but thanks for letting us know. I've added your notes to the issue in our internal tracker.

    Meanwhile, I'm glad you were able to find the info you were looking for here in our forum! It sounds like some of that frustration and confusion has been alleviated by knowing that you're not the only one experiencing that bug, and that work is being done to fix it. :)

  • flight2k
    Community Member

    Out of curiosity, what is Starbucks doing that is so different than everyone else who requires a login/password pair on the web?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    See this AgileBits post in the other Starbucks thread.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    @flight2k, I hope the post from Stephen's link helps to answer your question. We're here for you if you need anything else! :)

  • flight2k
    Community Member

    Thanks. I had read the tread @Stephen_C sent me two days ago and how I knew my situation was not unique. I don't use any beta software that I know of so it makes sense that mine would be in the category of broken-ish. Personally, it's not a huge problem for me because I log into the Starbucks web site once a month to check on things. Knowing that I can get in by hand is totally fine with me. The only issue I had was the 3-4 months of "what the heck is going on" that got me here. Ha. I knew it was something with the Mac because I could hand type the credentials into a Windows 7 internet explorer session (I know, eww) and it worked. Then I tried to hand type it in my Mac, and it worked. That's when the epiphany happened. It's all good.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @flight2k,

    The only issue I had was the 3-4 months of "what the heck is going on" that got me here. Ha.

    I like the way you put that! I've definitely felt like that before. :lol:

    If you need anything else, you know where to find us. ;)

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