Import all my records from Keeper app [converter available]

Community Member
edited November 2015 in iOS

I use Keeper as my password manager. Now I want to use 1Password as I need its premium features. I don't understand how to transfer all the records from Keeper to 1Password. I have many records, so entering each one manually is not an option.
I will be obliged i you can help me with this issue.
Thank you,

1Password Version: 5.4.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    Does this thread help?

    It seems to refer to a password manage called Keeper, though that was on Android. But the same approach may help.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited July 2015

    Hi @adilp,

    The Keeper security app does have a Desktop app and a browser login that can export (via Backup) to a text file. This data appears to be in a Tab Separated Values format (which can be converted to CSV via a spreadsheet program, and then Logins can be imported into 1Password).

    Some notes:

    1. The data export is a little lossy, in that tab characters (in, say, Notes) get thrown out entirely in the export.
    2. An item's Folder name and the Extra fields/values are available in the export (as Field Name / Field Value cells), but 1Password for Windows won't import these. 1Password for OS X will, but you have to arrange the columns correctly as stated in the article Advanced import: creating CSV files.
    3. The newlines in Notes will be imported as \\n sequences, which you'll have to fix either first in the spreadsheet, or later in 1Password.

    If you care about issues 2 and 3, I can create add Keeper as a supported converter to the convert_to_1p4 converter suite for you, and then you'll get Folders, newline conversion, and won't have to rearrange the columns in a spreadsheet. Let me know if you would like this, and which Desktop platform you are using.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @adilp ,

    Please let us know if MrC's post is helpful to you! His conversion tools have helped a lot of users get their data from various password apps into 1Password. :)

  • chipster55
    Community Member

    Can someone tell me how I can get my 200 plus passwords from Keeper into 1Password. thank-you

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @chipster55 ,

    Which platform is this on?

    See my reply here to start.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @chipster55: Indeed, MrC's converter can be a big help to you in getting your data into a usable format for import into 1Password. Definitely check out the post he linked and ask questions as they arise! :)

  • chipster55
    Community Member


  • chipster55
    Community Member

    I apologize for late thanks to you guys. I would be interested in the converter as I have over 500 items to download. Appreciated very much if I'm not to lare

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chipster55,

    It's great to hear that you're interested in the converter. @MrC is our converter guru here in the forums. Please let him know which platform you're currently using so he knows where to start. :)

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @chipster55 ,

    Also, I've merged your post with the already existing discussion on Keeper import, just so we can keep this conversation all in one place.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @chipster55 ,

    Which platform will you run the Keeper and the converter on?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited November 2015

    @chipster55 ,

    The converter is now available. Please see the directions in the first post of the converters suite thread. Download the 1.08 Testing Bits version mentioned in the post. The converter name you want is keeper.

  • chipster55
    Community Member

    Again sorry for late response. I'm running keeper on IOS and Windows. Thanks for converter.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    No worries. Enjoy 1Password!

  • yoheen
    Community Member

    Thanks Mr C for the converter, I just tried to convert from Keeper Desktop (tried both 8.3.1 and 8.3.3 exporting as .txt) following the video & written instructions carefully, but I keep ending up with 0 records imported/exported. I'm using the 1.0.8 beta and I'm on Mac OS X 10.10.5 (and latest X Code). Results are the same both when using Terminal manually and the Apple script. I have checked that I have usr/bin/perl5.16 installed (there is also pearl5.18). Any ideas?

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Hi @yoheen,

    Let's see if we can figure out what is going wrong. The keeper export is simple HTML, and I believe that the export from Windows or OS X should be OK to convert on OS X or Windows. X Code won't matter, as the converter only needs the stock Perl components that come with OS X.

    Can you run the conversion with the -d option (it enables debug) and take a look at the output. It should look essentially like this:

    $ perl keeper ../../_TestFiles/keeper_export.html -v -d
    main                : Command Line: keeper ../../_TestFiles/keeper_export.html -v -d
    main                : Output file: /Users/MrC/Desktop/1P_import.1pif
    find_card_type      : type detected as 'login' (key='Login URL')
    print_record        : title: My Title
                          tags:  Some Folder
                          key(url): Login URL =
                          key(password): Password = Super"TOPSecret
                          key(username): Login =
                          notes: Some notes:<CR>a   tab<CR>à Æ Ʊ ƾ π é ∫ ß<CR>done
    find_card_type      :       type defaulting to 'note'
    normalize_card_data :   pushed to notes: another "custom &" field: another value " and a    tab (pasted)
    normalize_card_data :   pushed to notes: a custom field: a custom value
    print_record        : title: Rooted, custom item
                          notes: another "custom &" field: another value " and a    tab (pasted)<CR>a custom field: a custom value<CR><CR>No Login, Passw...
    Imported 2 items
    create_pif_record   : Title: My Title
    create_pif_record   :   key test(username):
    create_pif_record   :   key test(password): Super"TOPSecret
    create_pif_record   :   key test(url):
    create_pif_record   :   notes: Some notes:<CR>a tab<CR>à Æ Ʊ ƾ π é ∫ ß<CR>done
    create_pif_record   :   tags: Some Folder
    Exported 1 login item
    create_pif_record   : Title: Rooted, custom item
    create_pif_record   :   notes: another "custom &" field: another value " and a  tab (pasted)<CR>a custom field: a custom value<CR><CR>No Login, Passw...
    Exported 1 note item
    Exported 2 total items
    You may now import the file /Users/MrC/Desktop/1P_import.1pif into 1Password

    Perhaps this will narrow things a bit and give you a little insight.

  • yoheen
    Community Member

    Hi, running with the -d option outputs the same result:
    Imported 0 items
    Exported 0 total items

    The file: 1P_import.1pif ends up on the desktop but it contains zero data...

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited December 2015


    Do you see the functions labelled find_card_type or print_record in the debug output?

    What platform did you export from?

    Can you examine your export file and see if it looks similar to:

    <HTML><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><TABLE><tr><td colspan="4"><h4>** STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL **</h4></td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"><h4>Keeper® Password Manager & Digital Vault</h4></td></tr><tr><td colspan="4"><h4>2015-11-24 10:32:48</h4></td></tr><tr><th>Folder</th><th>Title</th><th>Login</th><th>Password</th><th>Login URL</th><th>Notes</th><th>another &quot;custom &amp;&quot; field</th><th>a custom field</th></tr><TR><TD>Some Folder</TD><TD>My Title</TD><TD></TD><TD>Super&quot;TOPSecret</TD><TD></TD><TD>Some notes:
    a       tab
    à Æ Ʊ ƾ π é ∫ ß
    done</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Rooted, custom item</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>No Login, Password or URL; some custom fields.</TD><TD>another value &quot; and a       tab (pasted)</TD><TD>a custom value</TD></TR></TABLE></HTML>

    In Terminal, run the file command against your exported file - I want to see what file type it is. It will look like:

    $ file ~/Desktop/pm_export.txt
    .../Desktop/pm_export.txt: HTML document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines

    Can you post the output of that command (nothing is confidential there). You can email me if you want, my email is at the top of the script files.

  • yoheen
    Community Member

    There's no debugging going on as it seems. All I get is this:
    Imported 0 items
    Exported 0 total items

    I exported from Keeper Desktop 8.3.3 on my Mac (OS X 10.5.5). Also tried Keeper 8.3.1 and I also tried the drag'n drop technique in Terminal to make sure it's not a matter of wrongly typed location

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited December 2015


    If there is nothing else but that output, then the -d option was not added to the command line.

    Use the command shell, and enter the command as described in the README. You can use the helper to build the command - just let it fail, and then recall it with the up-arrow, and then add a space and then -d to the command line and re-run it.

    if you still done see any debug output, then copy the entire command line and the first couple of lines of output and paste it here (don't copy anything confidential).

    I'd offer to help you remotely, but don't want to see your private data.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    Status update: yoheen and I worked offline. The file was exported as CSV and not as the HTML the converter expects.

  • Thanks for your efforts on this, MrC!

  • yoheen
    Community Member

    Thanks a lot MrC! For anybody else converting from Keeper Desktop; you must export as Excel file from Keeper. Not as text file. Simple as that! Converter worked like a charm once I used the Excel file :)

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator

    To close out my comments here, the Keeper app incorrectly labels its two export buttons - one is labeled as Export as Text, the other says Export as Excel. It turns out the Excel button actually dumps an HTML file, whereas the TEXT file actually dumps a tab-seperated-values file more appropriate for Excel.

    In any case, I've updated the README file to avoid any confusion between these two options. Thanks @yoheen.

  • Thanks again, MrC!

This discussion has been closed.