CopyLess App and 1Password

Community Member


I have install this app CopyLess ( And there is a security maters for me when i copy pass login/password.

They have a function to ignores data from application listed in a special list. I have add 1Password but seam not working. Before i go there telling them that it is not working, do you have a suggestion, comment regarding the way your app work ?

I'm using 1password all the time and addon on browser too but i would like to be able to use CopyLess without having a security risk. Otherwise i will have to kill this app.

Thanks for your help

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:CopyLess


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Technirium,

    Thanks for contacting us about this! I'm not very familiar with CopyLess, but I took a look at the description on and in the Mac App Store. If I understand, it sounds like anything you copy to the OS X clipboard will also be copied to CopyLess. I agree that it's probably not a good idea to have your passwords copied there!

    If you've added 1Password as an app that CopyLess should ignore, but that app is still getting data you've copied from 1Password, can you please describe how you're copying it? For example, are you copying text from the main 1Password, or from the 1Password extension / 1Password mini? Do you highlight text and go to Edit > Copy (or use the ⌘C keyboard shortcut), or do you simply click on one of the fields in 1Password to copy it? Or something else?

    Also, in case it helps, I wanted to let you know that when you use the 1Password browser extension to fill information on a website, that does not use the Mac clipboard. Password mini communicates with the browser extension using a local WebSocket connection. However, when you copy and paste from 1Password, that uses the Mac clipboard as expected.

    When you add an app to the list of apps to ignore in CopyLess, how does that work? Does it give you a list of apps to choose from, or do you drag an app from Applications into a list? I'm not sure if it will make a difference, but might be helpful information for us. I'm not positive we'll be able to help exclude 1Password from CopyLess, but we'll be happy to see if we can come up with an answer for you. Thanks!

  • Technirium
    Community Member

    Hi @Drew_AG ,

    I did some test to answer your question :

    are you copying text from the main 1Password,

    I just tested it and i don't see it appear in CopyLess

    from the 1Password extension / 1Password mini?

    If this is the one in the top bar = YES it is appear in CopyLess
    If this is the one in the Browser = Yes It is appear in CopyLess

    Now you know that i don't use the main App :chuffed:

    Do you highlight text and go to Edit > Copy (or use the ⌘C keyboard shortcut), or do you simply click on one of the fields in 1Password to copy it? Or something else?

    Normally i do both. Let me test this in all scenario ... OK it reflect the same result above

    Also, in case it helps, I wanted to let you know that when you use the 1Password browser extension (...)

    Thanks for the explanation. I tested also and your right. Nothing show up in CopyLess

    When you add an app to the list of apps to ignore in CopyLess, how does that work? (...)

    Here a link to a screen cast (my english is limited so this is easier for me :chuffed: )

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Technirium: Thanks for clarifying! There's an interesting solution to this problem.

    Secure Input fields (such as your Master Password field or any password field on your Mac) cannot be copied to the clipboard, so your Master Password would never end up in a clipboard manager unless you typed it somewhere other than the 1Password unlock screen and then copied it to the clipboard. Perhaps for obvious reasons, we recommend only ever typing your Master Password on the 1Password unlock screen.

    As for your other passwords, many clipboard managers implemented a feature that excludes 1Password data. Smile Software (creators of the excellent utility TextExpander) created the NSPasteboard standard:

    …password utilities such as 1Password might mark passwords or other sensitive data, either placed programmatically or user-Copied to the pasteboard, so that pasteboard history utilities could obfuscate passwords when displayed on screen (to avoid inadvertently revealing your password to a “shoulder surfer”), and/or avoid writing them as plain text to a pasteboard history file.

    I know that Alfred and LaunchBar are two apps that we at AgileBits are very familiar with that exclude 1Password data from their clipboard history. Ultimately it's up to the apps' developers themselves to make sure they're not logging information you don't want them to, as 1Password can't prevent other apps from accessing data you copy to the system clipboard. You may consider contacting the developer of the app you use and asking them to support the standard as well, though.

    I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • Technirium
    Community Member

    @brenty I will share this poste to their support forum to see what they can do. thanks

  • Greetings @Technirium,

    I remember having a fight once between OS X's privacy settings and TextExpander where adding TextExpander itself wasn't enough, I had to add their helper process too to actually have things work properly. I'm wondering if there is something similar here too. There is the 1Password application as you know but then there is also 1Password mini which does a lot of the work and it's what sits in the menu bar. If you were to right click on the 1Password application you will have an option titled Show Package Contents. If you select that option you will be moved inside the application bundle as that's what almost all OS X applications are, special folders called bundles. Inside there you will find there exists an application called 1Password mini which can be found at ./Contents/Library/LoginItems/1Password mini. If you exclude that application too does it make any difference?

    It's just a thought, I don't know how it will pan out but I figure it's worth testing :smile:

  • Technirium
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables Cool ! I will try this right away. After that i only need to find the one for the browser and i will be all set

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hopefully the suggestion from littlebobbytables is helpful! We'll be interested to hear the results, if you get a chance to let us know. Thanks! :)

  • TheSnowMan
    Community Member

    @Technirium @Drew_AG after executing the "Show Content Package" instruction, you have to drag&drop the "1Password mini" item to the filter table of CopyLess.

  • @TheSnowMan Thanks for posting that. ;)

  • Technirium
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    Hello, I think I have done that. See picture :

  • Hi @Technirium,

    That does look correct. If you're in contact with the CopyLess developers, it would be worth to ask them to look into ConcealType for pasteboards. They can find information about it on 1Password marks clipboard contents with the org.nspasteboard.ConcealedType marker, so that apps such as these can easily know to ignore what we put on the pasteboard.


  • flight2k
    Community Member

    Can you break this down for the lay person? Can we make CopyLess work with 1Password? This stopped working for me and I'm crippled in my work flows now.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @flight2k,

    Thanks for contacting us for help! Would you be able to elaborate on exactly what stopped working between CopyLess and 1Password? The others in this discussion were trying to make sure that any text copied from 1Password would not be copied to CopyLess. So when you ask if we can "make CopyLess work with 1Password", it sounds like perhaps you want the opposite of what the others here wanted.

    So just to clarify things so we know what to help you with: How is it working now, and how would you like it to work? If you can describe exactly what is or isn't working, the exact steps you're taking, what you expect to happen & what happens instead, and so on, we should have a much better idea of how to help you with this. Also, it will be helpful if you can let us know which version of 1Password you're currently using, and on which version of Mac OS X. Thanks in advance! :)

  • flight2k
    Community Member


    When I go to a login and I try to copy out, say, the username using the copy button it does not go into copyless. It does, however, go into the buffer but only the current buffer. I can copy other things like a terminal window and it goes into copyless no problem. I can also copy the contents of a secure note and it'll go into copyless.

    But if I try to copy a username or password it does not work.

    It seems that anything that has the "copy" next to it does not work.

    I can edit a password and copy it there. But I can't just use the copy button. That's the angst to my work flow.

    Thanks for your help!


  • flight2k
    Community Member

    Sorry, forgot to include the version:
    1Password 6
    Version 6.3.1 (631006)

    And CopyLess:
    Version 1.8.9 (130)

    My mac: 10.11.5 (15F34)

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


    You may need to contact the developer of CopyLess. My understanding (from never having used their app myself) is that by default 1Password is excluded for your security. If they don't provide an option in the app to include 1Password, you would need to request that option from them.

  • flight2k
    Community Member

    Ok. Thanks for the feedback. I'll shoot them a note.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni


  • richsadams
    Community Member
    edited July 2016

    John/flight2k spelled out the issue I'm also having with 1Password and CopyLess exactly:

    _"When I go to a login and I try to copy out, say, the username using the copy button it does not go into copyless. It does, however, go into the buffer but only the current buffer. I can copy other things like a terminal window and it goes into copyless no problem. I can also copy the contents of a secure note and it'll go into copyless.

    But if I try to copy a username or password it does not work.

    It seems that anything that has the "copy" next to it does not work."_

    Additionally a newly generated 1PW password is not added to the Copyless clipboard either. "Fill and Copy" is correctly checked in 1PW and 1PW Mini.

    The thing is all of this used to work just fine. Something has changed recently.

    1PW v6.3.1 (631005)
    CopyLess v1.8.9 (130)

    TIA for any advice and support.

    FWIW I also sent a support request to CopyLess

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @richsadams,

    When you click the copy button next to a field in 1Password, or when you click Fill or Copy in 1Password mini > Password Generator, does the text still get copied to the regular Mac OS clipboard? To make sure, you can copy something from 1Password and then paste it somewhere else, like a text file, the Notes app, etc. (You should also check 1Password > Preferences > Security to make sure the "Clear clipboard contents after __ seconds" is either unchecked, or set to enough time to allow you to paste the text somewhere else.)

    If text you copy from 1Password can be pasted elsewhere, but it doesn't get copied to CopyLess, that likely means CopyLess is excluding 1Password, as Khad previously mentioned. In that case, the developer of CopyLess should be able to explain how to include 1Password. Have you heard back from them about your support request yet? Please let us know what they say, thanks! :)

  • richsadams
    Community Member
    edited July 2016

    Hi Drew,

    Thanks for the fast reply! Yes, the content (password, username, etc.) does copy to the regular OS X clipboard.

    Having said that, I just received an answer from CopyLess support and it appears that the issue is on their end - and that it will be resolved with their next update:

    "Hi Rich,

    to improve security and reliability of CopyLess we've integrated the concept of transient data types:

    If some application does now want us or other 3rd party tools to populate sensitive data like passwords from system clipboard, it might mark it as transient content type.

    In the next version, which is already in the pipeline, we'll return the old behavior and make this feature customizable for users who don't want to keep sensitive data from 1Password in CopyLess.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best regards,

    CopyLess Team

    So good news for us 1PW/CopyLess users!

    FWIW having used a number of clipboard managers over the years, CopyLess is one of the best available IMHO.

    Thanks again for listening and keep up the great work!



  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @richsadams

    Thank you for the update and for contacting CopyLess, sounds like the apps will be working well together very soon, that's great news! On behalf of Drew, you're very welcome! If you have any other questions that we can help you with, we're always here for you. :chuffed:

This discussion has been closed.