Localization issues with 1Password 6
Just noticed that the category icon in the tab bar is misplaced in Dutch. (iOS 9.0/iPhone 5c/1PW 6.0)
1Password Version: 6.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 9.0
Sync Type: Not Provided
Hey @Chantal Coolsma. Thanks for reporting this issue. :)
I've gone ahead and forwarded this to our developers. Hopefully, they'll be able to have this UI issue sorted out in a future update.
ref: OPI-3055Let us know if you have any other feedback! Thanks again!
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Hey again @Chantal Coolsma. I've looked a little further into this issue, and found that it isn't specific to the Dutch version. I noticed this problem on my own device after upgrading to 1Password 6.
I'd like you to go into your device Settings > Display & Brightness, and toggle Bold Text OFF. Allow the device to restart, and let us know if the Categories tab still looks funky after.
If the issue is resolved, you should be able to toggle Bold Text back ON if you like. Let us know how that goes!
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Hi Peri,
Bold Text is OFF already. Never turned it ON.
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Thanks for letting me know. Please toggle Bold Text ON, reboot, toggle Bold Text back OFF, and reboot again. Let me know if that has any effect on the tab bar.
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No change. Same happens with bold and regular text.
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Sorry to hear that. Thanks for giving it a try! :)
Hopefully we'll be able to get a fix for this issue in an upcoming release. Thanks again!
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I have this on my iPhone 5 as well, but not on the larger screen of my iPhone 6.
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The Swedish word for Settings, Inställningar, seems to be too long and a bit misplaced. Check image in link: pasteboard.co/JaiovGu.jpg
iPhone Version: iPhone 5
1Password Version: 6.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 9
Sync Type: Not Provided0 -
I have same bug in russian version!
http://demidyuk.16mb.com/1pass.png0 -
Good day!
There's very annoying bug in russian version!
The word does not fit in a row and jumping (please see screenshot).1Password Version: 6.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS9
Sync Type: iCloud0 -
Thanks for the feedback! We have been able to reproduce this on your end, and found that it's not specific to localized versions of the app. Our developers are aware of the problem, and we're hoping to have it fixed for an upcoming update.
Let us know if you have any other feedback. Thanks!
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Hey I have another localization error I'm not shure you are aware of, and it's quit annoying. On every RTL language (Hebrew, Arabic and so on) the icon for the browser overlaps the favorites icon due to the mirroring of the icons banner.
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thank you guys!
waiting for update :)0 -
Thank you for taking the time to report the issue. :)
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@Chantal Cools: Hey there! Your message appears to be blank. Be sure to let us know if you have any questions. Cheers! :)