Feature Request: Browse for login in Safari app extension

Community Member

Sometimes I forget to add a login address or the website address I did add is different from the login page. In these circumstances, I thought it would be convenient to have a browse for login feature when 1Password is trying to populate the login, but can't. It would save the back and forth of going to theapp to browser and back again.

If this already exists, I apologize I didn't see it anywhere.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @FragileBytes: I may be misunderstanding what you're asking, but 1Password is designed to only offer you logins for the current website to prevent phishing scams. So if a login item has no URL saved it will never be offered. This is even more important on mobile devices, since it's even harder to see the actual URL for the website at any given time. I hope this helps. Please let me know!

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