Can not Sync between Mac and iOS Devices

Community Member
edited October 2015 in Mac

I use 1Password on OS X and iOS, and they sync data by Dropbox

Yesterday, I just realised 1Password lost about 137 items on my Mac OS X Device when I search the data. 137 is the result when I compare with my iOS Device.

So I tried to backup all data on both Device first. Then stop sync and use WiFi way to recover the data from iOS Device to OS X. Only 7 items back. No error during the sync. What's wrong? How can I recover my data on OS X?

Screenshot on my OS X:

Screenshot on my iPhone:

1Password Version: 5.3.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Does anything in this knowledge base article help?

    Dropbox sync is not working


  • Hey @frankyue! Sorry you're having some trouble with Dropbox. Did the article that Stephen_C linked to help out? There's quite a lot of troubleshooting tips in there, and it often helps people with common Dropbox syncing problems. I noticed that the iOS screenshot you posted had Chinese titles for the menu items. If you live in China, some Chinese ISPs are known to block Dropbox. You can use a VPN or proxy to get around this. If that's not the case, that's where the knowledge base article comes in. Hopefully that helps get things moving! :wink:

  • frankyue
    Community Member

    Hi @Stephen_C Thanks for your link. I have a quick reading on this article, I did almost all of the check on my iPhone and OS X to make sure Dropbox is syncing between these two device. Also I change the backup place on both sides. I'll read this article carefully again to check if I lost something.

    @penderworth, yes we are blocked by ISPs with the Dropbox link. But I always use VPN to make sure my link is working. So Dropbox is working without any block way on my side.

    I've tried the WiFi way to sync the data on my iPhone to OS X. It also doesn't work. Something wrong on this side?

  • frankyue
    Community Member

    And I found a weird things:

    In my backup preference, it records 619 items in latest backup.

    But only show 465 items in main window (I tried to restore, still no change)

    Some data can not display on main window???

    And it couldn't work to sync my data from iOS to OS X???

    Please help me, it is really annoyed to copy & paste by eyes to input such complex password!

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Do you have a large number of items in your 1P trash?


  • frankyue
    Community Member

    Just 5 known items. I check it again just now.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @frankyue,

    Let's see if a couple of diagnostic reports shed any light as to what is happening.

    I would like you to create the following Diagnostic Reports please, one for each device. These guides will assist.

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums

    The email address you will want to use is

    When sending the first diagnostic report to the address above it would help immensely if you could include a link to this thread and your forum handle so we can connect the two. For additional diagnostic reports please wait for the automated reply that will be forthcoming. If you either reply to that email or use the email subject as is it will allow our system to link the emails together as belonging to a single issue.

    Once you've sent the reports a post here with the ticket ID will help us to keep an eye out for it and hopefully they can help explain what might be happening.

This discussion has been closed.