Transfer iOS license

Community Member

I've purchased 1Password for MAC and iOS.
Issue, I'm no longer going to have access to this APPLE ID.
So is there a way to transfer this license to a different apple ID
The date of purchase was 6/30/2015

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:transfer 1password to a new account


  • Ben

    Hi @Sevfen,

    Unfortunately I'm not aware of a way to transfer any purchases made with Apple from one Apple ID to another. Your best bet would be to regain access to the Apple ID your purchases are on. Failing that, iTunes Support may have more information for you, but as far as I know this is not possible.

    Sorry I don't have the answer that you were hoping for.


  • Sevfen
    Community Member


    Awesome sir!

    Unfortunately I've been dealing with Apple's corporate on a corrupted Apple ID & I'm sorry to say, but Apple has not been transparent in a mutual resolution. I'll just make the repurchase of the product(s) and move one.

    Thank you for the help!

  • Ben

    You're very welcome. I'm sorry to hear the difficulty with your Apple ID has not been resolved. :(

    If there is anything else that we can do please don't hesitate to write in.


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