How to get in 1passwordbutton
When opening my apps I can't get open the 1Passwordbutton for filling in my username and password automatically. What am I doing wrong? Approaching the concerning site by Safari works very well. It seems to me that I better can get rit of my apps. Looking forward for some help.
except in Safari, 1Password extension support must be specifically added by the application developer. This has not been added by all apps yet. So you are absolutely nothing wrong - support for 1Password was probably simply not added by the apps in question.
I'd suggest to contact support of these apps and let them know that you'd love to have the 1Password extension added to their app. We’ve published a Dev Outreach portal to help developers get started: - so you could just point the developers to this.
So for apps that don't support the 1Password extension yet you will have to copy & paste the info from the 1Password app directly.
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Thank you Winnie for your kind support. Earlier I had read these instructions about the 1Password extension already, but I began to hesitate about it. I'm using 1Password on my Phone 6S (next to my iMac) for about two weeks now. During this time I'm forced using the copy & paste solution. Reason why I was wondering if there is not a more sophisticated method like the way Safari is working with it. It's worth trying to get these developers so far in changing their apps. Thank you for the support, so long!
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Well Winnie, once I succeed in bringing in the 1Password extension via developers I let you know .... ;-)
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Hi Rad, perhaps our correspondence was just crossing each other, but I'm wondering why one of the most popular apps, Facebook, can't be opened by a 1Password-extension on my iPhone6S.
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I will make mister Zuckenberg a proposal ......... who knows?
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Indeed. :)
We'd love to have 1Password in every app that requires credentials. But currently the only way on iOS to have an extension integrated into an app is for the developer of that app to add a bit of code. We provide this code freely to developers, and encourage them to use it, but ultimately demand from customers is about the only thing that can get them to make the effort.
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Totally clear Ben, thanks. I know what to do the coming days ......... I will make them grazy about the 1Password code ...... ;-)