Feature request: Mac-to-Mac network sync

Community Member

1Password is great, for what it does, but I wish syncing locally were easier.

iCloud sync only works if I bought it from the Mac App Store. Dropbox requires an external service, which I don't want to use. Wifi sync only works for Mac->iOS, not Mac->Mac.

So that leaves me with "Folder sync", which works fine, but is kind of a pain to set up. I've got to export from Mac A, copy file to Mac B, and then import on Mac B. When I create a new password on Mac B, I have to reverse the process.

It would be really great if 1Password had Mac-to-Mac syncing! I mean, it already does, but it would be great if it were easier, without having to sign up for Yet Another Sync Service. (Yeah, I know I'm the only person in the world who doesn't keep their whole life in Dropbox. Shoot me.)

I'm no security expert, but I'm not sure what would be difficult about it. Instead of saving a copy to the folder called "Dropbox" and checking that location for updates, do exactly the same but let me pick a Finder network drive, right? My Macs already know how to look at each others' user folders, because that's built in to the Finder. You could make it fancier, but that's all it really needs to do. It's essentially what most Folder Sync users do now, except we have to put the files in the right places manually.

anyway, thanks for listening!

1Password Version: 5.0.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.10.3
Sync Type: Folder (see question)
Referrer: forum-search:Will you ever support Mac-to-Mac network sync?


  • diamondguy
    Community Member

    I completely agree. You're not the only one who needs/wants (and expected, given the advertising I read before buying 1Password) true local sync. Some work environments restrict cloud access, making that impractical, unreliable, or impossible.

    1Password does not have full local sync. It can't sync between two Macs without going to a cloud service or without using some 3rd party sync application. Syncing between a Mac and various iOS devices isn't between-Mac sync. Just say'n.

    So sorry to say, you & I (and others) are stuck with the cumbersome manual sync process you've described (or you have to buy a 3rd party app) until Agilebits delivers the functionality we need. I hope that's soon.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Johnny_paranoid, @diamondguy: Thanks for the encouragement! Indeed, we'd like to add support for computer-to-computer local sync in the future, but I can't say for certain if and when this may happen. It would involve a considerable reworking of what's now known as Wi-Fi Sync, possibly to the point of effectively being a brand new sync engine. It simply wasn't designed with this in mind.

    It probably isn't 'difficult' to do something like this, apart from time consuming; but while it may be 'easy' to do, it's never easy to get sync right. And when we're dealing with our customers' (and our own) important data, we absolutely have to. Dropbox in particular does a great job of maintaining data integrity and managing conflicts, and for a long time they were really the only ones doing it at that level because it isn't simple. Hopefully we'll have better news for you in the future.

  • diamondguy
    Community Member

    Thanks, Brenty - I understand sync is tough to get right and robust, and I understand why "outsourcing" part of that development to a service like Dropbox makes sense.

    I went through a similar "yes we do local sync" [they didn't, really] process with another product that my work flow heavily depends on (Papers 3.0). They recently rolled out a full local sync solution (while they kept their cloud-based Dropbox option), and it's made a big improvement in the sync process. I look forward to Agilebits' doing the same. Again, thanks for your response.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    @diamondguy, on behalf of Brenty, you're very welcome! Hopefully we'll be able to include more options for a local sync solution in the future.

    If you need anything else, we're here for you! :)

  • Erique
    Community Member

    Allow me to add my vote for support of true local Mac>Mac syncing as well. The current options are either cumbersome, or cloud-based. Neither is particularly appealing to me.

    It is actually quite disappointing that we've come so far with 1PW (which I love and have used since the beginning of time, if not the very first version) and yet we can't do a simple local sync.

    You guys have been super innovative so I know you can work it out – we just need you to be properly motivated.

  • @Erique Thanks for adding your vote here. I'll be sure to let our developers know about your feedback. Reiterating what Brenty said, we really appreciate your continued encouragement and support of 1Password. Mac-to-Mac syncing over a network is definitely something we've seen come up a few times and it's a really good suggestion. I can't promise anything, but I've made sure our developers hear about yours and the rest of the thread's feedback. We really appreciate it. :)

    ref: OPM-2091

  • squarecandy
    Community Member

    +1 - this is pretty important. I think a lot of people have a workflow setup with a main computer that's a desktop and a secondary computer that's a laptop. The current wifi sync works well with iOS and android. I understand that these work well because they are able to be setup in a client/server relationship with the computer as the server. Instead of reworking the wifi sync entirely to try and get two copies of the "server" software to sync w/ each other, why not add the option to make one copy of the software act as a "client". If my laptop setup could sync in a similar way to the Android app but has some of the more complex features disabled in client mode, that would be all I need to run on the laptop.

    Again, like the other commenters here - I'm no where near the level of expert at this as you guys are. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how this works, but hopefully this feedback is helpful.

    Whatever you come up with I'm sure it will be great.


    • Peter
  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for adding your voice here, @squarecandy. I've added your vote! :)

This discussion has been closed.