Difficulty saving / filling login for particular website (NS&I)

Community Member
edited November 2015 in iOS

URL:L https://secure2.nsandi.com/kyudob2cnsi/jsp/authenticationB2CNSIEN.jsp
I have read solutions to this problem but they do not work for me. I have 1Password4 on a new Windows10 laptop and 1Password 6.0 Pro and Wallet on my new iPhone 6S. The real major issue is the Login failure. I have seen two solutions given from 2013 and I have worked through both but to no avail. I have tried to get the Login set up automatically on both devices and also manually. Neither work.

In addition I can only sync using WiFi and not Dropbox, for some reason.

I am losing faith in this product. iPassSafe is far easier to use. Ok, we have to invent better passwords but I have no problems logging in to any of my saved sites and I log in automatically by hitting a browse button on my PC or an icon on my iPhone. Help me or I think I will bin it despite my son's enthusiasm for it.

1Password Version: v 6.0.2(602002), v4.6.0.592
Extension Version: ?
OS Version: OiS9.1(13B143), Windows 10
Sync Type: WiFi
Referrer: forum-search:How to get login details saved for URL- https://secure2.nsandi.com/kyudob2cnsi/jsp/authenticationB2CNSIEN.jsp


  • Ben
    edited November 2015

    Hi @keithjrn48,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in! I'm really sorry to hear about the trouble filling your credentials into this site but we'd be happy to help get you up and running.

    I've been doing some testing on this with one of my colleagues and we've made some progress, but it would help to know:

    • Is the filling failing on both devices (Windows & iOS) or just one?
    • Are both the Your surname and the Your NS&I number fields failing to fill, or just one of them?
    • What web browser are you using on each Windows and iOS? i.e. Are you using 1Browser (built-into 1Password) or Safari with the 1Password extension on iOS? And are you using Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer on Windows?

    As for your syncing difficulty...

    In addition I can only sync using WiFi and not Dropbox, for some reason.

    Could you please let me know what happens when you try to set up Dropbox sync? What step of the process does the problem occur on? Is there an error message (if so, what)?



    ref: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/51490

  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi Bob
    Thanks for coming back. It is failing on both. In general neither box gets filled although on one occasion I managed to get my surname saved. All the details are written in 1Password when you open the login box to hit the url. I assume that is how you get 1Password to log in. Clicking on the Login buttons just opens up a page with all the details in (this is in the windows version) and I click on the url. Is that right? I am using Internet Explorer on Windows and I think I am using Safari with the built in extension although I note that 1Browser is designated as the User Agent. When trying to set up the Login with the iPhone I go into Safari, put in the details and click on the extension up symbol and then click on the 1Password icon and fill in the fields again and save, and then I log on in the Safari screen.

    I am in a big mess this and probably need to start again especially with the Dropbox. I had problems before with different vaults when I was first setting up, deleted them from Dropbox and now I can't set up again. Dropbox is working but I can't get the files to see each other. I can sync fine using wifi.

    I need really simple instructions. It's a pity I can't get someone to link into my computer and sort it.

  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi Ben
    Sorry for getting your name wrong. I have tried logging in on the Windows 10 computer and in every case they open up an Edge screen and of course the details are not there. Can I disable Edge?
    I also noticed that PayPal is not working as a login site despite doing everything by the book. This is on both Windows and the iPhone.

  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi Ben
    I have now rid myself of Microsoft edge. PayPal Login still not playing ball

  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi Ben
    Fixed the Dropbox syncing issue so only the login problem for, so far, NS&I and PayPal. Happens on iOS and Windows.


  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    I was in contact with Ben Woodruff (5/11/2015) re logging in to my National Savings account and my PayPal account. Since then I have made my default browser Internet Explorer on my Windows 10 (no longer see Microsoft Edge) and I can now log into the National Savings account and PayPal getting right into the site on my Laptop.
    Dropbox is working well and syncing with the iPhone automatically, however, I cannot log into the National Savings account from my iPhone. It gets me in but I am required to complete Surname field and Account number field whereas with my Windows version I get through that stage, the fields being filled as I would have expected with 1Password. (I hope it is not just due to cookies). Incidentally I can now get into my PayPal site with my iPhone.
    What is the problem? Do you have to create a separate Login on the iPhone using the extensions or is it possible to enter the field values on the iPhone and save?

    1Password Version: version 6.02 and 4
    Extension Version: ?
    OS Version: iOS 9.1, Windows10
    Sync Type: Dropbox
    Referrer: forum-search:Do you have to set up Logins separately on Windows 10 laptop and then on iPhone using extensions?

  • Hi @keithjrn48,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. I've been investigating this issue for you, and it took some trial and error.

    I was finally able to successfully create a login item that works for the first page of the NS&I site. Please try these steps:

    • Copy the text below to your clipboard on Windows
    • Open and unlock 1Password for Windows
    • Select Edit > Paste

    That should create a new NS&I item for you, using the fields that I have tested.

    Here is the text:

    {"sectionName":"N","details":{"backupKeys":["+Nliv76uOXNeBEp+59JdTdxmMf1r0xtHjfj\/1P0GZcxJaEHxeNd8uHkwPxw2hwMlonDPnvgm8LVFplWAdNGZIQ=="],"htmlForm":{"htmlMethod":"LB1"},"fields":[{"value":"testuser","id":"surname;opid=__4","name":"surname","type":"T"},{"value":"12345","id":"id;opid=__5","name":"id","type":"T"},{"value":"Back","id":";opid=__6","name":"","type":"B"},{"value":"Next","id":"Subm01;opid=__7","name":"Subm01","type":"I"}]},"uuid":"67C16778CB1E4CA598A62D9AECFEF657","updatedAt":1446753294,"createdAt":1446753288,"categoryUUID":"001","overview":{"title":"NSandI (from AgileBits)","url":"https:\/\/secure2.nsandi.com\/kyudob2cnsi\/jsp\/authenticationB2CNSIEN.jsp","ainfo":"—","ps":0},"URLs":[{"overview":{"label":"website","url":"https:\/\/secure2.nsandi.com\/kyudob2cnsi\/jsp\/authenticationB2CNSIEN.jsp"}}]}

    Note that once you have created the item following the above instructions it will be saved with the surname testuser and the ID 12345. You'll want to use 1Password for Windows to edit those values to match your actual credentials.

    Please try using this new login on both Windows and iOS. If it works, you can delete your existing one. If this does not work for you, please let me know on which step you run into trouble.

    Normally all of this isn't necessary, but there are some sites out there that do things in non-standard ways that we can't necessarily plan for, and so a little finesse is required to get them to fill. It is also true that filling will not be possible on every single website. For some sites it may be necessary to copy & paste. Generally if you are having trouble getting a login to fill the best way to troubleshoot that is to try saving a new login for that site manually:

    Windows: https://support.1password.com/save-login-manually/
    iOS: https://support.1password.com/guides/ios/create-new-login-safari.html

    I'd recommend doing this with PayPal if you are still having trouble, as I know for sure we are able to save & fill with them (I personally use them extensively).

    I hope that helps. Again I apologize for the delay while I researched this issue. Should you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.


  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi Ben
    Thank you for your efforts. Prior to receiving your message I did get it working in Windows 10 but not in iOS. You should be aware that there are no longer any clipboards beyond Windows XP. I did however copy and paste your code to Word and amended the code to include my surname and the correct number. That worked ok in Windows.
    I do not know how to copy all the text code to my iPhone. I have synced the iPhone with my Windows Laptop but when I click on the URL in the iPhone 1Password app and get to the site I only see my surname and not the number. Any advice on how to get the code into the iPhone? Syncing doesn't do it.

  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi Ben

    I have responded on the post. I have amended your code to include names and numbers. By the way Clipboards went out with XP. Works great on Windows10 , but I had it working well on that already today.
    Different story with the iOS iPhone. This is my first venture with Apple and iPhones. In the first place I have not got a clue how to get the code into my iPhone. I can't even see it all in the email. Perhaps it just doesn't work with iOS. Maybe on an iPad but I cannot see how to get it working on the iPhone. Perhaps you or others know better. Has no-one else had this problem?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2015

    Greetings @keithjrn48,

    I'm actually (hopefully) in the final steps of having my own NS&I account so soon I should be able to directly relate to your entire experience. As soon as the final details come through and I'm in a position where I can attempt to log in I can work with you to make sure that you can do so from both your Windows machine and your iPhone. Does that sound like an acceptable plan at all? I've been through all of the prove who you are and where you are paperwork so I'm hoping I'm just waiting on my NS&I number being sent out to me now.

  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi littlebobbytables
    I will gladly share my experiences with you. I have logins working in Windows 10 1Password 4, but alas not on the iPhone, some do but not all. My wife's iPad is being repaired but when we get that back I'm hoping to be able to do more. The iPhone is very restrictive.
    You will have similar problems with some bank accounts. I am becoming quite a scarred warrior with 1Password spending hours into the early hours, to the frustration of my wife, trying to get everything working. I blame the documentation, in part, too many assumptions are made of previous knowledge and in some cases illustrations/pictures are used where an item is mentioned which is not in the illustration/picture. It is clear that the developers are extremely gifted but they should get someone to read the documentation as a dumbo.
    look forward to hearing from you

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You will have similar problems with some bank accounts. I am becoming quite a scarred warrior with 1Password spending hours into the early hours, to the frustration of my wife, trying to get everything working.

    @keithjrn48: I'm sorry to hear that. Ultimately it's impossible to account for every website variation out there, but that's what we're here for: to help out when you run into trouble! :chuffed:

    I blame the documentation, in part, too many assumptions are made of previous knowledge and in some cases illustrations/pictures are used where an item is mentioned which is not in the illustration/picture. It is clear that the developers are extremely gifted but they should get someone to read the documentation as a dumbo.

    Unfortunately it's impossible to account for all of the various experience and comfort levels of 1Password users, so we try to strike a balance with the documentation. I'm sorry if you feel as though you're falling by the wayside, but again, we're here to catch you, and to help in any way we can! And if you're having trouble with specific documentation, be sure to let us know how you'd like it improved. Until we perfect our Psychic AI™, we really depend on your feedback to let us know what you need (and want) from both 1Password and its extensive knowledgebase. We're listening! :)

    lil bobby will get back to you as well once he's been able to test this site for you more extensively.

  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty
    OK, I take your point. Here is a challenge for the team, as you are here to assist.
    My wife attends Pilates classes at the David Lloyd Gymnasium (www.davidlloyd.co.uk) in Port Solent in Hampshire, UK. They have introduced a system where you can only book a place, limited at that, on line up to nine days ahead. I can get to the booking site with 1Password 4 on Windows10 on my laptop but it is impossible on her iPhone.
    I have synced using Dropbox and one appears to getting into the site because username and password fields are occupied but when you tap on "login" you see an advertisement for their online booking app inviting one to download for iPhone or Android, beyond which you cannot get other than seeing details of their facilities etc. Any way of getting around this?
    I look forward to hearing from you

  • Keith ( @keithjrn48 ),

    Are you able to get to the page in question using Safari on iOS without using 1Password (e.x. If you enter the credentials manually)?

    If the problem occurs even when not using 1Password unfortunately I'm not sure what we would be able to do to help.

    If it does work when not using 1Password, but doesn't work when using it, what is the full URL to the page you're having trouble with? Does this happen in Safari with the 1Password extension, or in 1Browser (within 1Password)?

    Please let me know.



  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi Ben
    I will get back to you tomorrow when I check it out. In the meantime here is another teaser. Works fine in Windows 10 but not iOS on my iPhone. www.mr-fothergills.co.uk. I either get a message telling me that 1Password cannot fill the fields or Malformed URL. Both these on the iPhone. As I said works ok on Windows.
    Look forward to hearing from someone if not you.

  • keithjrn48
    Community Member

    Hi Ben
    Thank you for your attention to this problem.
    Are you able to get to the page in question using Safari on iOS without using 1Password (e.x. If you enter the credentials manually)? Yes and by inputting Name and number it moves on to the next page

    If the problem occurs even when not using 1Password unfortunately I'm not sure what we would be able to do to help._ It works with and without 1Password, however, the page comes up with only the name field filled. It just does not recognise the number field entry

    If it does work when not using 1Password, but doesn't work when using it, what is the full URL to the page you're having trouble with? https://secure2.nsandi.com/kyudob2cnsi/jsp/authenticationB2CNSIEN.jsp?

    Does this happen in Safari with the 1Password extension, or in 1Browser (within 1Password)? It happens in both cases. You get to the site but the name and number fields remain empty

  • Keith,

    I was referring to the David Lloyd Gymnasium with my last post. Sorry for the confusion. It looks as though you answered the questions in reference to NS&I. Could you please give me the answers to the same questions with regards to David Lloyd Gymnasium?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member


    Sorry to resurrect an old post but I am having the same issue as . I am not able to get 1PW to fill the password and username for the NS&I website (National Savings and Investments). I am using 1PW 5.5-beta19 on Mac OS X 10.10.5, so unfortunately the copy/paste solution that @bwoodruff mentioned above doesn't seem to work. Any ideas how I can get this working on my Mac? I have tried manually entering the correct details on the NS&I login page and then going to 1PW, Settings, Save New Login via the extension but it only creates a new login with the URL populated - the Surname and user number are not saved into the login.

  • Hi @stukey,

    I just tried this again on my Mac, running the same version you are, and was able to successfully save and fill the NS&I login. I'm using Firefox v42. It shouldn't matter, but what browser and version are you using?

    Also what version of the 1Password extension do you have installed in that browser?

    Note that the details for NS&I will not show up in the 1Password app, as NS&I doesn't use a "username" and "password" but instead a "surname" and "id." To view these details, click on the "show web form details" button below the URL.



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Hi @bwoodruff

    Thanks for taking a look at this. I am using Safari 9.0.1 under OS X 10.10.5. 1Password version is 1PW 5.5-beta19 and extension version is 4.4.4.

    The Login Item that 1PW creates when I select "Save New Login" via the extension does not contain any additional web form details. It only saves the URL of the website.

  • eva_s
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @stukey,

    I tried to replicate your issue using our Safari extension and I wasn't able to. When I did a manual save I was able to capture all of the requisite web details. I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac so we can take a look at your configuration and see if we can figure out what is going on. Instructions are below:


    Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support+forum@agilebits.com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    A short note here once you've sent the Report in will help us to keep an eye out for it. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Thanks @eva_s. It actually seems to be working now. Saving a new login doesn't show any username or password in the 1PW login item (as @bwoodruff suggested it wouldn't) but the custom web form fields do appear correctly and allow me to login to the first page of the ns&i website. Don't know what changed - I am sure I checked the web form section previously. Thanks for your support.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Excellent! Thanks for the update. On behalf of Eva and Ben, you are most welcome! I'm glad to hear that all is well.

    Sometimes something as simple as a restart can help if there's some sort of memory issue. It sounds like you should be all set, but don't hesitate to reach out if we can be of further assistance. We're always here to help! :)

This discussion has been closed.