Migrating Individual Licenses to an Enterprise or Team License

Community Member

We just finished a large computer refresh for our department of about 30 people. All systems had 1Password installed and it's a mix of PC's and Macs. About 60/40 Macs to PC's. I have several questions:

  • In a classic IT Dept move all of our licenses were purchased ad hoc in batches rather than as one enterprise license. Is it possible to gather all of these licenses and have them converted to one master enterprise license?
  • How could we migrate to the "Teams" feature down the road? Ideally, we could setup up a master work vault but then individual users could also back up there personal logins to a private vault.
  • In the perfect world we could have team vaults where Admins could see all sub-teams but the teams could manage their own vaults. Probably reaching a bit too far but curious if anyone has this setup and running.

Thanks for the help!


1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    In a classic IT Dept move all of our licenses were purchased ad hoc in batches rather than as one enterprise license. Is it possible to gather all of these licenses and have them converted to one master enterprise license?

    @WWTVM: The primary benefit of volume licensing is the price structure (i.e. it can save the company a lot of money). So it isn't clear what benefit there would be to 'migrating', if the licenses are already lag-since paid for. That said, shoot us an email at support+licenses@agilebits.com and we'll see if there's anything we can do to help. :)

    How could we migrate to the "Teams" feature down the road? Ideally, we could setup up a master work vault but then individual users could also back up there personal logins to a private vault.

    It should be pretty straightforward, but of course that depends on the complexity of what you're trying to do. It would be simple to just set up a team, create some vaults, and assign them to team members. Then, if you wanted to go Teams-only, you could just copy the requisite data from the old 'personal' vault to the corresponding Teams vault to share between appropriate team members.

    In the perfect world we could have team vaults where Admins could see all sub-teams but the teams could manage their own vaults. Probably reaching a bit too far but curious if anyone has this setup and running.

    That sounds eerily similar to what 1Password for Teams is designed to do! Be sure to check out our admin guide:

    1Password for Teams Access Control

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

  • So it isn't clear what benefit there would be to 'migrating', if the licenses are already lag-since paid for.

    It makes it easy to know your compliance. Although if the Teams product is going to be paid for based on how many users and not how many software installs, then I guess it doesn't matter how many individual licenses are out there.

  • That is correct. 1Password for Teams solves the problem of acquiring and keeping track of licenses for different platforms. All client apps are automatically included with the 1Password for Teams account.

    Community Member

    Thanks for the info. My goal in consolidating licenses is not so much about pricing as it is about simplicity for maintaining one license that works across all systems. For example, for some reason, our IT dept only installed the temp license so now we are going back and having to activate individual licenses so each case requires the user to submit a ticket, include Asset Tag, and user info. Only then can IT go back and look up the serial which takes forever. If they had one serial that worked on all systems that would be much easier to manage.

    It sounds like it might be possible to consolidate all licenses under one but more discussion is needed. I will relay this info to our IT dept and see if they bite.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Any time! It's too early to say for sure how 'licensing' will work in the apps in the future with 1Password for Teams, but at the very least, you'll have a license to use all of the apps as part of your subscription. We'll try to make this as straightforward as possible. But I think the simplest way would be to have this work company/Team-wide to avoid having to track individual licenses, much how volume licenses do now. Cheers! :)

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