Feature: Show edit history


Not sure if this feature already exists and I can't see it, but I think this would be useful (especially given that multiple people can edit items in a vault): the ability to see a history of changes to an item. I know there's that handy "Previously used passwords" button for logins, but I am thinking of something more general that would capture other kinds of edits such as title changes or field additions/removals/modifications.

1Password Version: Version 5.5.BETA-20 (550020)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Thanks for the feedback, @wincent!

    I would also love to see this feature as well :)

    We actually have a lot of this implemented already but it needed more love and we were running out of time, so we hid the feature for our initial announcement release. I hope we can polish this feature up and add it back soon.



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