Yikes! I accidentally duplicated 700 items in my app vault while trying to copy to Team.

Community Member
edited November 2015 in Business and Teams

I was trying to copy my 700+ items to the Team vault from the app, but ended up duplicating the 700 in my own app vault. There's no undo and I don't see a one step way to back them out. What to do? Manually deleting 700 items just isn't an option.

1Password Version: 5.5 Beta 23
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • jbschwartz55
    Community Member

    OK...I got that wrong. I was looking at the All Vaults options, which showed copy of the 700 items twice. I deleted the items from the Team vault and I'm back to where I was...although I haven't quite figured out how the local vault deals with the team vault.

  • rob

    Phew! Glad you're back to normal, @jbschwartz55. That said, I'm curious why you deleted them from the Teams vault? Didn't you want to have them there instead of your local vault?

  • jbschwartz55
    Community Member

    I just got the invitation to join the Team Beta an hour ago. Got all set up but really have no idea what the Big Picture is, in terms of how to use local vault, Team vault and mobile vaults. From your question, it sounds like the Team vault replaces the local vault? Is there an overview that explains how it all works? Are we supposed to Move the items from the local vault to the Team Vault and then delete the local vault? I did the Copy and then did the "Yikes" thing when I saw double the items when choosing "All Vaults".

  • rob

    Hey, @jbschwartz55.

    Your team vaults are meant to hold anything team-related, while local vaults should be kept for personal use. For example, I have my Login for the AgileBits helpdesk saved in my "Your Vault" in my AgileBits team account, but not my personal Twitter Login.

    You certainly don't need to have items in both places, but it's up to you what information you move to your team vault and what you keep in your local vault(s). Anything that you would not need (or should not have) if you leave your team should go in your team vault. That's one way to think about it.

    I'm not sure if you've seen our guides here or not, but they might be of further help as you find your way around 1Password for Teams: https://support.1password.com/teams/

  • jbschwartz55
    Community Member


    Just sent an email to support@1Password.com describing my overall lack of "Big Picture" understanding of how Teams is supposed to work in real life. I'm just not getting it.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2015

    Hi @jbschwartz55,

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble figuring out the big picture goals of 1Password for Teams, and I look forward to reading your thoughts in the email. :)

    ref: RCY-71211-827, YJE-48972-698

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