Configure to filter a password by URL path

Community Member

The closest discussion I found, which has been closed, is here:

That talked about automatically filtering or choosing the best to highlight. My 2c is that I would like to be able to configure a password to only show up when the path has a certain prefix. It does not need to have any automatic logic.

Examples: is my bug tracker (no logins needed here since comments are not enabled, but it is an example of a separate web app at the same domain)

I guess sub-sub domain might be useful too.
In that case, I renamed the one for "mymessages" to include "(Not this one)" because I kept clicking it but it is a separate username/password. (I don't want to completely filter it out, though.)

I would use manual filtering settings just for passwords that I use commonly enough and that get it wrong enough to be annoying. So it would not be hard to manually maintain this list if URLs changed. (Especially since most of the examples I can think of are on my personal website anyway, so I'd be the one changing the URL.) In general, it is quite helpful to suggest passwords by domain and not path since (a) they are usually captured with the registration page path, (b) some places like my city utilities keep changing the URL path, (c) some websites have multiple web apps (forum separate from bill, for example) but share the same credentials.

Anyway, thanks for the great product,

  • Everett

1Password Version: 5.4
Extension Version: 4.4.3
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Everett,

    I've added your thoughts to an existing feature request we have. If I've understood correctly you want full URL matching with wildcards although I confess I have no idea how that would work with open and fill. I'll use your example is try and help explain what I'm thinking.

    Say the login page is at as an example. You want to store that entire URL so open and fill can work but if you want control over how much of the full URL 1Password needs to match to display it as an option you need a way of also saying something like* so that it doesn't match to Maybe that would mean maintaining multiple website fields for each entry, the top one being for open and fill and later ones for matching - I don't know but I can't see an easy way to have keep everything elegantly in a single entry. Of course that's what we pay the developers for :tongue:

    ref: OPM-2942

This discussion has been closed.