Is it ok to use a sha256 hash as master password?

Community Member

Hi, i was just wondering if using a salted sha256 hash as master password would be fine or if this could cause flaws in the encryption chain?

1Password Version: 5.4.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.10.5
Sync Type: dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited December 2015

    @ste__ste: I can only think of one objection: you'll have to enter it, possibly on multiple systems, and that sounds like a monumental nuisance. :lol:

    That said, so long as you're both comfortable remembering it and entering your Master Password...the longer, the stronger, the better! The primary hurdle will be if you need to enter it on a mobile device. ;)

  • ste__ste
    Community Member

    yep, of course mobile devices are an issue...
    today i have a master password i consider strong but too long and hard to type. So my thought was to replace it with a hash i can regenerate on the fly with a simpler password, to keep it "longer stronger better" but also simpler (always keeping in mind that mobile devices ARE an isssue ;) )

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Hmm...well, just keep in mind that if you can generate the hash from a simple password, so can anyone else. I realize that's why you're salting it, but it seems like with your concern for security you'd want to start with something more substantial. Just a thought. :sunglasses:

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