Autofill shortcut in Firefox using AZERTY keyboard



I'm using Firefox (latest version) with the 1Password Extension (4.4.3) on an AZERTY keyboard.
I saw on your documentation that the shortcut to fill a login/password on a web page is Crtl+. Unfortunaly, on an AZERTY keyboard, I have to press Crtl+AltGr+\ which is not working.

When I press AltGr+\, the small windows appears (the same as when I click the 1Password Extension button). I would like to automatically fill the login password with a shortucut (without clicking).

Best regards,


1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.4.3
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @AntoineOrsoni,

    You can change the shortcut for filling and here is how to do so :smile:

    1. Launch 1Password for Windows.
    2. Enter 1Password's preferences and switch to the Logins tab.
    3. You can then alter the Login keyboard shortcut to suit your tastes.

    Does that help?

    Oh and I definitely understand wanting to fill by keyboard shortcut, I use it a lot :lol:

  • AntoineOrsoni
    Community Member

    I had trouble making it work.
    If someone has the same issue, that's how I fixed it:

    Launch 1Password for Windows.
    Enter 1Password's preferences and switch to the Logins tab.
    You can then alter the Login keyboard shortcut to suit your tastes.

    You have to choose a no assigned bind (I use Crtl+Q), hoterwise it won't work.
    Then, you have to restart your browser completly (not only the tab you're working on).

    It works perfectly now, thanks :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @AntoineOrsoni,

    Despite having to wrestle with it to make it work I'm glad to hear it helped. I do have one question, when you say "choose a no assigned bind" do you mean a keyboard shortcut that isn't currently in use by the operating system?

    I confess I'm surprised you have to restart your browser but hopefully that wasn't too much of a pain if it is required.

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