Import info from 1password to 1password for teams?


Hi! I have 1 password with lots of info already in it. Tonight I just signed up for 1password for teams and I guess I set up a new account so now it seems I have these 2 accounts. Can I move all the info from my first account into my team account? Or can I turn my first account into a team account with the same URL, name etc as I set up my new team account with? Thanks for your help!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • rob

    Hi, @allisondavis. Welcome to our discussion forum and to 1Password for Teams!

    We've written up a great tutorial to help you migrate your 1Password information from your existing vaults to your new account in 1Password for Teams. I hope it helps!

  • allisondavis
    Community Member

    Thank you Rob! Are you saying that I will want to keep both accounts? One for me personally and the 1password Team account for team members? Or is 1 password Team sufficient for me personally and for my team? Kinda confused. Thanks!

  • allisondavis
    Community Member

    Actually, my questions comes after looking at the tutorial. Not from what you said above :)

  • rob

    Hi, @allisondavis. It's up to you how you want to handle it, depending on your needs.

    In general your team account should (semantically) contain team-related items. Some people put their team-related information in their team account and keep the rest in local, non-team vaults. I and several others on our team each created a "personal" or "family" team, and put our personal/family items in those vaults, while putting our team items in our shared AgileBits team vaults.

    However, you're free to organize your items however you wish. The downside to putting all your items in your team account is simply that if you were to leave the team for whatever reason and another admin or owner were to revoke your team account access, you would lose access to that information.

    I hope that helps and doesn't just make things more confusing! :-)

  • allisondavis
    Community Member

    Ok, yes, that is helpful. So just to be clear on several things.

    1- My personal vaults are simply on my computer, my iPhone, laptop, etc and in the cloud. The team vaults are on the web or at least we operate them through the URLs.

    2-The idea with 1password is that I put all my info into these vaults with completely crazy, random passwords that 1password generates for me. And then I have my master password that I generate that would be hard for someone else to figure out. THEN every time I want to go into any of these websites, I have to enter THROUGH 1password ON my phone, iPad, desktop, laptop, etc. Is that right? Kinda makes it a pain to get into websites etc on one hand, but I guess the point is to make it hack-proof. :) Do I have this correct?

    Thanks for making it easy for a non-techy person :)


  • rob
    1. Right. Vaults within your 1Password for Teams account are hosted on our servers and you only have to set up your device once with your account, not each individual vault within the account. Vaults outside your account with us are only local by default. To sync them through "the cloud", you have to set up sync for each vault individually.

    2. Right again. You want to have a strong, unique password for each site, and 1Password is there to help you access them and enter them into those sites when you need them. It is more difficult than using the same password for every site, indeed, but we hope it's a lot simpler than any other way of managing strong, unique passwords for each site. :)

  • AFF
    Community Member

    Hi Rob, i cannot find in the forum the way to import my data from my windows program to 1Password for Teams... there is a tutuorial?
    Tnx Fabio

  • rbegleiter
    Community Member

    I signed up for "Teams" immediately after initial invitation. Just visited the website again.
    I wandered around for a few minutes looking for my 1Password data before realizing that I need to (somehow?) import it. Entering that data one-by-one again from my other 1Password apps is a non-starter for me. Eventually, I bailed out, unable to figure out what to DO with the site once I'm there. (I had invited a team member, but since she had no idea what I was talking about when she received her email invitation, she didn't accept and it expired. But even if she had joined, I'm not sure either of us would have known what to do next.)

    You really should consider building some tutorial info into the "Teams" website itself. There isn't even a "help" button anywhere, except the generic Agilebits help link at the bottom of the page, which is pretty unhelpful, since it leads to the "forum" where people have to "register" (yet AGAIN! Having already registered for 1Password AND 1Password "Team") to actually ask a question, and where a million unrelated topics are visible and distracting (unrelated to "teams").

    Your team needs to build some user-experience info into the "teams" website itself, answering FAQs like "What IS "teams" and what does it DO? How is it different from my other 1Password apps? How does it RELATE to the data in those apps? How do I explain to my "team members" WHAT they're actually DOING when they join me in a 1Password "Team?" (Are they giving up THEIR passwords to the "team?" Are they gaining access to MINE?)
    See what I mean?

  • Hello @rbegleiter,

    Thanks for sharing your initial experiences with 1Password for Teams. It's always wonderful to see things from a fresh set of eyes :)

    I agree with you completely; we need a tutorial or something to help get you rolling after you first create your team. You make some great points in your last paragraph but I'd like to ask a clarifying question: is this something you want to see on our home page, within the tutorial after you create your team, or both? Just curious how you saw that working.

    As for your questions, I can certainly answer the directly if you prefer, but it would be super useful if you could read our planned Admin Guide to see if it successfully helps you get up and running:

    1Password for Teams Admin Guide: Getting Started

    The Getting Started Guide helps you setup your team and gives you some resources to help your team members when needed. Once we finalize a few things we plan on making the entire Admin Guide much easier to access from within the 1Password for Teams web client. We need a User's Guide as well and will also make that available in a similar way.

    I hope that helps. Please give it a read and see if it answers your questions and if not, please let us know as we'll be happy to update the content accordingly.


  • @AFF: There is no automatic way to import your 1Password data from Windows into 1Password for Teams at this moment. On Mac you can simply select all your items, ctrl-click on them, and share them with your Team vault.

    Windows will have a similar feature in the future, but this feature has not entered public beta testing yet. Do you have access to a Mac by any chance? I know that's a weak answer at this point, but I promise it is only temporary :)

  • AFF
    Community Member
    edited December 2015

    @dteare i'll wait... tnx anda Merry Xmas ;)

  • Let us know if you have any more questions. We're happy to help.


  • Rajesh
    Community Member

    if following is added to tips, it shall save good time for new beta users.
    1. You should download beta version of Mac App (provide URL)
    2. You should add team login (provide screen image)
    3. then click on item, right click on share.
    4. you find team vaults to copy or move items.
    5. add a video clip.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Those are great suggestions. Thanks for the feedback! :)

This discussion has been closed.