Color or prefix for logins from different vaults when using "All Vaults"?


Is it possible to show prefixes or some kind of indication for which vault a particular login item lives in?
With the current OSX browser extension/helper, its pretty hard to determine which vault a particular item belongs to, and can be confusing.

Example: You have your own vault, along with a Teams vault (from your company). You have a login to Website A titled plainly "Website A". Your company also uses this same service, and has a login in their vault titled "Website A". There is no way to distinguish which login is actually being used. It seems a little redundant to put your own logins as "MY Website A", and it seems equally redundant to label the company's login "Company Website A".

There is support for multiple vaults across a company (for delegating access to different things) and this actually makes the matter worse, as the title field is the only place to put this kind of information.

Could we get something like colors assigned to each account (could be done locally only as well) so that there is some kind of color to indicate "green for my vault" and "blue for company vault" or something?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hello @spectralblu,

    Thank you for taking the time to ask this. You're totally right, there is no quick way to tell which Vault an Item belongs to at the moment. In some of our early designs we were playing with showing the Vault colour beside each item within the All Vaults view. That worked pretty well, but quite frankly we had other issues with the colours and are not sure they will still exist in the final release. Time will tell :)

    For now you can look at the Item Details pane to see which Vault an Item belong to, but I agree with you that this is not ideal.

    Thanks again for helping us make 1Password the best it can be!


  • jfelchner
    Community Member

    @spectralblu the new Teams feature is pushing Agilebits to do a long needed (even before Teams was introduced) redesign of 1PW mini to help differentiate similar items across multiple vaults without users having to resort to things like:

    • Slack - Client A
    • Slack - Client B - Team A
    • Slack - Community Group A
    • Slack - Client B - Team B
    • Slack - Client C - Team C
    • Slack - Community Group B

    Hopefully this is their top priority (alongside making Teams ready for a final release) since Teams is extremely clunky with mini in its current state.

    @dteare thanks for all the hard work! :+1: :D

  • @jfelchner : You're right. All Vaults and Teams has started exposing some weak points in our mini UI. The main app could use some help too. It's definitely something we're aware of.

    We'll work towards making that better. :)


  • jfelchner
    Community Member

    @rickfillion I know you all don't typically give timeframes but can you give me a "Roughly are we looking at 1st/2nd/3rd/4th quarter 2016." timeframe? The problems with Teams and Mini is currently a major pain point and I'd like to be able to give them an end goal when their pain will be over. hahaha

  • @jfelchner Sorry... I wish I could give you a timeframe, but I really can't. At this point all I can say is that we're aware of the issue and we'd like to do better.


  • battis
    Community Member

    Like @jfelchner, I'm starting to have to resort to naming foolishness -- which I had cleaned up when I was able to sort things into vaults originally. It's feeling pretty circular.

    The colors are an okay option… but so too would be some sort of a badge or label, sorta like "GitHub it dept" vs. "GitHub compsci". Maybe even something graphical with the vault icon.

    But soon. Soon would be the best possible option!

  • rob

    I'm with you guys. This makes total sense. I wish we could work on everything we want to do simultaneously. :)

  • jfq1
    Community Member

    I'd like to add that I would also really like some sort of badge or color coding to tell which vault an item belongs to.

  • rob

    Hi, @jfq1, and welcome to our forum!

    Thanks for the feedback. We recently implemented improvements to help with these concerns. In 1Password mini on the Mac, items with the same name now also display the username next to the item name to distinguish the items. Vault colors or avatar badges may be something else we can do in the future. :)

This discussion has been closed.