Clipboard not clearing after predefined time is passed

Community Member

I'm using the latest version of iOS and 1P pro on iPhone 5s.
When I copy a secure password from the password section, it stays indefinitely available. I found that I could use it 24 HOURS after the first paste, even though the time in the security settings is set to 30 SECONDS.
I haven't verified if that bug is present in other section(s), but I would hope not.
Best regards

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @dvouill: Hmm. I definitely haven't encountered this issue, as I'm frequently running out of time and having to recopy something from 1Password! :lol:

    Are you force quitting 1Password? What is the exact version of 1Password and iOS you're using? Thanks in advance! :)

  • dvouill
    Community Member

    Hi Brenty.

    Latest versions of iOS 9 and 1P.

    I made a mistake in my first post. The problem isn't on the iPhone but on my iPad Air 2.

    I don't quite 1P. I just copy from it the password I need, and paste it where I need it. That's all. 1P is still active in the background. Even though I didn't see the problem when I copy/paste from the "logins" section, only from the "passwords" section, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    Happy New Year's Eve. ;)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Even though I didn't see the problem when I copy/paste from the "logins" section, only from the "passwords" section, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    @dvouill: Ahh, you're copying from a Password item. Thanks for clarifying!

    Now, I think that may be a red herring. The only way I was able to find any aberrant behaviour was by setting the clipboard setting to 3 minutes. You mentioned specifically that it isn't clearing when set to 30 seconds, but any other setting I tried (except "Never") resulted in the clipboard being cleared as expected — whether i copied from a Password item or something else.

    I've reported this so we can get it fixed, but I'd appreciate you clarifying for me as well, just to make sure there's not something else we're missing!

    ref: OPI-2531

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