How do I attach files to items in iOS?

Community Member

Hey guys, I just bought the App Store App, and Pro iOS app, and transferred all of my data over. Loving it so far. I can see my existing attachments in the iOS app, but can't figure out how to upload new ones. Shouldn't it just be an option in the new fields menu? Help please!

1Password Version: Latest
Extension Version: Latest
OS Version: Latest
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:Hey guys, I just signed up for 1Password, bought the Mac App Store App, and the Pro iOS app.


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Jeffzilla: Sorry for the confusion! 1Password for iOS isn't able to add attachments, only view them. It's definitely a feature we'd like to add in the future, but for now you can add attachments using the desktop app and sync them over. I hope this helps! :)

  • Jeffzilla
    Community Member

    Grrr, that's unfortunately of limited help. It's easy to take pictures of my membership cards etc with my iPhone, and I'd love to be able to instantly attach those to my 1Password items. Why isn't this a feature yet?

  • Ben

    Hey Jeff,

    It isn't a feature yet primarily due to the huge amount of development effort it would take to make it right. It is definitely on the list for consideration, but we can't make any commitments to add it at this point.


  • jennifer
    Community Member

    I know you get this feature request often, and that this thread is a bit dated, but please add my +1 for this feature! It would be so useful to be able to snap a photo of a card or document to attach to a 1Password item in iOS... I've been hoping that this feature would be added soon since I first installed the iOS app. :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Hey, no problem! Thanks for letting us know you'd like to be able to add attachments to 1Password for iOS using the camera too. I hope we'll be able to add that feature! :)

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