1Password Anywhere file gone after adding vault

Community Member

I may have done this in the wrong way but I needed my wife and I to be able to share our vaults. On each of our Macs, I re-synced the 1Password.agilekeychain to a shared dropbox folder, and then renamed each of the files to mine.agilekeychain and hers.agilekeychain. I then opened 1Password and my vault was all there as normal, then double-clicked on hers.agilekeychain in the finder and her vault was now synced to my Mac as well - success!

But I just now noticed that both the mine.agilekeychain and hers.agilekeychain files/packages no longer contain the 1Password.html file that I use for 1Password Anywhere. Did I break something? There's only an /a and /data directories, and neither contain the 1Password.html file.

Any thoughts?

1Password Version: 1Password 5 Version 5.4.1 (541003) Agile Web Store
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.10.5
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @iwbyte: I do apologize for any confusion! 1PasswordAnywhere is no longer being created as part of new vaults, but you can download it here and place it in the root of your .agilekeychain:


    1PasswordAnywhere is being phased out, as it was developed long ago as part of 1Password 3 and the old AgileKeychain format, which it depends on. The OPVault format doesn’t support it, so it isn’t something we’ll be able to support going forward. And frankly 1Password for Teams is — even as an early beta — already much more secure, advanced, and easier to use than 1PasswordAnywhere, so that's probably the future of this type of vault access. If you do join the 1Password for Teams beta, we'd love to hear your feedback so we can continue making it even better! :)


  • iwbyte
    Community Member

    Thank you for the assistance. I downloaded and installed the 1Password.html file and it works great.

    I appreciate that you're rolling this feature into Teams but I don't like the monthly plan - that's the reason I sell people on 1Password as 1-time fee vs. Dashlane or other providers that charge you monthly.

    1PasswordAnywhere is a big part of my usage of 1Password becuase we have a few chromebooks in our family, and while we have a family license for 1Password for our Macs & PCs, there is no 1Password app for Chrome. Therefore, we rely on the 1PasswordAnywhere feature in order to access our passwords on the chromebooks.

    If we can only have the 'access your 1P database on any computer' feature in 1Password for teams, I can't swing $5/user/month = $20/month = $240/year just for this feature when Dashlane, et. al. provide this feature at a much lower price for the family.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    provide this feature at a much lower price for the family.

    @iwbyte: Don't worry. We will. ;)

    And to be clear, 1PasswordAnywhere simply cannot stay around forever, as it depends so heavily on Dropbox. And we can't expect them to maintain compatibility forever. Cheers! :)

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