I have a 1 Password 5 for Mac. Am the only user. Can my wife get an own master password?

Community Member

I would like for my wife to be able to used 1Password. Up till now I’m the only user. Can she get an own ”identity”, meaning own master password, or do we need to share all the info?

1Password Version: 5.4.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.2
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I have a 1 Password 5 for Mac. Am the only user. Can my wife get an own master password?


  • andegerd
    Community Member

    Hope you can help. BTW, very clumsy fiction to get support :(.

  • khad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @andegerd,

    Thanks for taking the time to contact us. I'm sorry for the delayed reply.

    A 1Password for Mac license is valid for yourself and 4 other family members in your household. So from a licensing standpoint, you are all set there.

    All your wife needs to do is either use 1Password on a different Mac or in a different OS X user account if she wants her 1Password data to be separate from yours. It's just like Safari browsing history and iMessage. It will all be mingled together unless you keep it separate. Fortunately, it's pretty simple to do.

    If you and your wife and using 2 different Macs, then you're all set.

    If you are using the same Mac and don't already have separate user accounts, you can create one like this:

    OS X El Capitan: Set up users on your Mac

    Then just install 1Password and set it up as you did in your own user account. :)

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help.


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