The chrome extension no longer seems to detect which window is active.


I keep two chrome windows open all the time, both logged in with different google accounts. That used to work fine, but at some point recently the browser extension doesn't seem able to detect which window is the active one. It will suggest fill-ins based on the page that's open in the inactive window instead of the one that's actually active. Any idea what's causing this behavior?

1Password Version: 5.4
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.11.2
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:The chrome extension no longer seems to detect which window is active.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @anthonygiuliano,

    We sadly have a very good idea of what is causing this behaviour and it's been a large annoyance to all our 1Password users that keep multiple Chrome profiles :(

    The good news is we currently have fixes in the beta versions of 1Password for Mac and the 1Password Chrome Extension which so far seem to have resolved this. I expect the next stable version of both will resolve the issue and finally have it where we don't get the windows confused or have 1Password mini pop up when it isn't needed. I am sorry for this.

  • anthonygiuliano
    Community Member

    Nice, thanks for the response!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @anthonygiuliano,

    I look forward to when I don't even need to say the fix is in the beta because all our lovely customers just need the current stable version of 1Password :smile:

  • pckl300
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables I tried updating to the beta version, but I still have issues when I use the keyboard shortcut (cmd+option+), it tries to populate a login from a different browser window

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Greetings @pckl300,

    Did you update to both the 1Password for Mac beta and and the 1Password Chrome Extension beta? The complete fix requires both as 1Password for Mac needs to understand a new message sent from the extension. If you're seeing issues when using both betas then I would be very interested to hear as we're under the impression the fix . I genuinely believe we're nearing a new release so you may want to wait it out - it's entirely up to you. If you've just installed the beta extension then you can still see undesirable behaviour and I did forget that as I've spent a long time running only the nightly now. In fact I can't wait to have a stable version I can use again to remind me of what everybody else is seeing.

  • pckl300
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables Ah, sorry, I didn't install the beta browser extension. Seems to be working now. Thanks!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    That's great to hear @pckl300 :smile: As I said in an earlier post, I can't wait until all of this is in a stable version that everybody can access. Many customers (quite rightfully) don't want to have to install the beta to get the fix. I hope to be doing a lot less apologising soon :pirate:

  • pckl300
    Community Member

    @littlebobbytables Haha, me too!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


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