I have just upgraded my Android phone, pulled my apps over to the new phone. No 1Password.

Community Member

I am now on Android OS 6.01. When I upgraded, I synced the apps from my old phone. It appears that it did not pull over the app. I am part of the Beta tester program. I am on version 4.5.3b2
1. Where can I get the latest download?
2. Will 1Password for Android work with OS 6.01?
3. If I didn't pull over the app with the sync, I assume (please tell me I wrong) I will need to manually setup the app. I realize all the passwords are saved in the cloud, but I assume I will need to reimput all the settings.

1Password Version: 4.5.3b2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Android OS6.0.1
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search: I have just upgraded my phone, pulled my apps over to the new phone. No 1password. now what?


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @auc: Sorry for the trouble! I am, however, relived that you've got a copy of your 1Password data saved elsewhere, so you don't have to start over completely! You can always download the stable version of the app itself again from the Google Play store:

    1Password for Android (Google Play)

    You'll just need to setup the app and sync your data over from Dropbox.

    And if you want to stay involved with the beta, make sure you're signed up for the newsletter:

    1Password for Android beta newesletter

    Finally, if you're having trouble for some reason, just shoot us an email at support+androidbeta@agilebits.com and we'll get it sorted out for you. Cheers! :)

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