I'm not seeing the "Updates" in 1Password preferences on my Mac.


Hi, I have been using 1password personally for a few years. Just got asked to join my company's team. I need to 'enable beta builds' - https://support.1password.com/install-app-beta/mac.html

Following these instructions here - https://support.1password.com/teams-setup-existing-user/mac.html

I'm also a little curious as to how this will work with my existing 1password account. I don't ever remember entering an email with 1password, but I must have since I linked it with my icloud.

My company's email is different than my personal (icloud) email. Will everything work as expected?

1Password Version: 5.4
Extension Version:
OS Version: OS X 10.11.2
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: kb:teams-setup-existing-user, kb:account-key, kb:teams-faq-existing-user, kb:teams-setup-existing-user, kb:install-app-beta


  • Hey @jayrogan! There are actually no personal accounts for 1Password, so I'm sorry for the confusion there. Teams is a separate service, which does have accounts. The only time you'd use your email for the standard version of 1Password is when you first purchase a license. :wink:

    As for the updates issue, do you happen to be using the Mac App Store version of 1Password? If you do, you'll first need to switch to the AgileBits Store version. Since you'll be on the beta to use Teams, you can also set up iCloud sync with the AgileBits Store version (we added this capability in a recent beta). Here's how to switch:

    Switching to the version of 1Password from the AgileBits Store

    Once you've done that, just follow the same guide as you did before to set up your Teams account with the app and you should be all set. Let us know how things go! :)

  • jayrogan
    Community Member

    Got it working! Thanks. Also noticed that I totally missed the part about switching from the App Store version in the instructions. Duh!

  • @jayrogan Fantastic! :) If you ever need anything else, we're happy to help.

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