On 2nd W7 PC, double-clicking (on an entry) merely opens that entry for me


Personally, I run 1PW on my Macs/iPhones and just love it.

I decided to demo 1PW for a client with two Windows computers.

On their 1st PC (and iPhone), everything works fine (synchronization is configured to work via Dropbox). On their 2nd PC, the 1PW data is clearly synchronized but these two anomalies presented: the system-try icon is NOT present (not even in minimized mode) & double-clicking on any given "login" entry only open up that specific entry as if an option could be set to "not" auto-fill in a browser. Both their Windows and iPhone installations are very recent, and run in free/trial mode at this time.

Q1: Am I looking at licensing related issues, or is their 2nd PC cranky? I don't want to push them to get a license until PC2 proves to be running a smoothly as PC1.

Q2: Once everything is cool, what licensing model should they adopt? I imagine they will stay on Windows computers while user1 has an iPhone and user2 has an Android phone.

Thanks in advance.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:auto filling issue


  • MrIT
    Community Member

    Wrong forum?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MrIT,

    It shouldn't be a licensing issue so I'm thinking it's the 2nd PC being cranky. The trial mode is a fully functional copy of 1Password in every respect so any technical issue present beforehand would still be present afterwards. So I agree that we should get both running smoothly before they're asked to make a decision :smile:

    The first thing to do is see if we can get the 1Password Helper running on the second PC as it is always meant to be running. There is a menu option in 1Password for Windows which can be found in Help > Restart 1Password Helper. If you use this menu option does it make any difference to the visibility of the icon in the system tray?

    Now for the double clicking of an item. There is a menu option in 1Password for Windows and it's in the General tab of the preferences. It's titled Double-click and it allows you to either have 1Password edit an item or perform what we call open and fill where we pass the URL to your default browser and then once the page has loaded we attempt to fill using this Login item. It might be one copy has it set one way and the other copy has it set the other way. It may also be related to the 1Password Helper issue too though.

    On the assumption that they like 1Password and want it on all their devices here is the lowdown of what they'll need. The mobile devices are easy as each will need to visit the respective store for their platform and download 1Password. On the iOS platform we use the freemium model where the basic features are free forever but certain features are behind a one-off, in-app purchase. They don't have to unless they want to. On Android it's much like 1Password for Windows. They get a 30 day trial and then need to purchase a licence to continue using 1Password for Android in a read/write manner. The differences here are all to do with the different rules for the different stores. The Google Play Store allows a time trial while Apple don't.

    As for the best way forward for their Windows machines. The answer here will depend on their situation. It sounds like your client is a 2 person setup. If it's a family business and they work from home then they would fall under our licensing criteria for a single licence. A single licence will cover an individual for as many computers of that platform as they personally own and the licence also covers up to five immediate family members in the same household. So if it's two partners at home a single licence would be all they need. If it's a more legally defined business where you're looking at two business partners and a business address for example then they would want to get a licence each to cover themselves. That licence would also cover each of them in their own homes though.

    I think that covers it in terms of the licensing side. Please let us know if you have more questions here and how you get along with getting the 1Password Helper to behave :smile:

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