Coworkers cannot login in my secondary vault since 6.0 (do not update)

Community Member

I have been a 1Password user since the beginning and I am using it frequently and promoting to others. But since version 6.0 my coworkers can't login anymore. Is 1Password forcing me to pay for teams now? I feel very disappointed. We had a good working system and now I have to find a new solution. The horror of the quick software development around the internet.

1Password is promising this: but they don't deliver that anymore. Now we need to pay $5 for each user per month?! :(

Please tell me this is not the case?

1Password Version: 6.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.2
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb:account-key, kb-search:secondary


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @farl,

    I apologize for the frustration here! As you may have noticed, one of the changes in 1Password 6 is the new All Vaults view. In addition to that visible change, our developers have made some changes to the underlying architecture of vaults. As a result of those changes, it is no longer possible to unlock directly to a secondary vault.

    Could you tell me a bit more about your 1Password set up on your team? We certainly do not mean to push everyone towards 1Password for Teams. You're welcome to continue to use the 1Password apps independently of that service. With the new All Vaults view though, you might need to revisit your vault set up a bit. I'd be happy to help you with this.

    Generally, the best set-up for 1Password in an office environment would be to have each user set up 1Password with their own Master Password. All of their personal information would be stored in the primary vault, and a shared office vault would be added as a secondary vault. This keeps each user's personal information locked tightly behind the Master Password that only they know, and allows them quick and easy access to the office information (which will be unlocked when they enter their Master Password.)

    I'd be curious to learn more about how your team is currently using multiple vaults.

    In any case, we've heard from many users since the upgrade to 1Password 6 who miss the ability to unlock to a secondary vault. Due to the changes we made in 1Password 6, it's not a simple matter of just turning this functionality back on, but we are investigating this issue, and we really appreciate your feedback, and your patience as we search for a solution.

  • farl
    Community Member

    I am the CEO and I have a Primary Vault with all my private and important business logins which my employees may not use. I created a Secondary Vault with a password which contains my less important business data which my employees need to use to do their online work. When they create a new login the copy it to the Primary or I copy data I created to the secondary.

    We have almost 1000 accounts and I am very pleased we set this up last year. But no it's gone! I can't believe you guys didn't know this in forehand.... :'(

  • Hi @farl,

    Thanks for the feedback on this feature. Can you clarify something for us: do your employees use the same user account on the same Mac? Is it not possible for them to use different user accounts? I am asking, not just to propose a permanent compromise, but also to gather feedback and use cases to consider when we search for a solution.

    Thank you,

  • farl
    Community Member

    You are talking about the 1Password account? I don't understand the question. They all have different computers and we sync with dropbox. Like you say:

  • Hi @farl,

    My apologies, but I believe we may have misunderstood your concern. What is gone is the ability to unlock a secondary vault without unlocking the primary vault, on a single computer. But it is certainly possible to share secondary vaults with other users through Dropbox without having them access your primary vault. This hasn't gone away.

    Upon rereading your original request, it sounds like you setup both your Primary and your Secondary vault to sync with their computers, but just didn't provide them with the master password to the primary vault, and your employees login directly to the secondary vault with the password for that vault. But if your employees each have their own computer, then you can change your setup just a little bit so that they don't sync your primary vault to their computers. Here's what we recommend:

    1. On your computer, you have a primary vault with your master password. You don't sync this on dropbox (unless you are syncing to other devices), but don't sync this to your employees computers.
    2. In the "All Vaults" preferences you set the "Vault for Saving" to be your Primary vault.
    3. On your computer, you have a secondary vault with the password your employees have. Sync this on dropbox.

    4. On the employees computers, they have their own primary vault with their master password. They do not sync this anywhere (unless they wish to sync to their own other devices)

    5. They also sync the secondary vault where the shared logins that your employees use.
    6. In their "All Vaults" preferences, they set the "Vault for Saving" to be their Primary vault, if they want to save there, and then they can copy to the secondary vault, or they can set it to directly save into the secondary vault.

    Your employees could also sync their primary vault directly to the shared vault, so they only have the one vault which is shared by everyone. And of course, you still have your personal primary vault that only you can access, in addition the shared vault.

    This setup has not gone away and is fully supported. I apologize if all this is confusing, but I believe the setup I described above meets your needs. If I have missed something, please let me know, and we'll do our best to clarify and get you back up and running.

    If you have setup like that already, please elaborate as to why they can no longer log in.


  • farl
    Community Member

    I liked it that I can access my primary vault too on their computers for times we need a password which they don't have access too. And I also sync my primary (and secondary) with my iPhone and iPad through Dropbox. Does your solution then still works?

  • Hi @farl,

    With Kevin's solution you would be able to keep syncing with the iPhone and iPad through Dropbox. But you would lose the ability to access your own Primary vault on the employee computers. I think it's a good compromise.


  • farl
    Community Member

    I am in contact with Mitchell Cohen now via email. I will continue there.

  • Sounds good. Mitch is awesome. :)


  • MeMarkG
    Community Member

    I am having this same issue. My wife has her own vault and I have one as well each with their own password. Can you please tell me how to downgrade so I can get the functionality back?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @MeMarkG,

    It looks like you found the steps to revert to version 5 in this other discussion. Hopefully you're all set now, but if you have more questions or need anything else, just let us know. :)

  • mannvicky
    Community Member
    edited June 2016

    Hi, ever since your 6.0 upgrade we all are looking forward to login into secondary vault separately so that if my kids/my wife use my mac i do not have to open my vault and vice versa. You are coming up with upgrades every week but not bringing back this great feature because of which we all are still stuck on version 5.
    It is my humble request to please bring that feature back all vaults should be accessible separately. Please Please don't leave us on 5.0

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mannvicky ,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts here! I'm sorry that you're missing this feature. At this time, the workaround is to enable separate user accounts on your Mac to allow each person access to their own vaults without access to vaults that you wish to keep private.

    We understand that this is a change for many users, and we are looking into options, but for now, if you'd like to take advantage of the other features in 1Password 6, I would recommend looking into separate user accounts for your Mac.

This discussion has been closed.