Sort Items by Usage-Frequency [FEATURE REQUEST]

Community Member
edited January 2016 in Mac

with the new "All Vaults" Mode, every Login is showing for a website, and that is great. But I have to login to some websites very often and after "merging" the vaults, this login is on position 4 or 5, so i have to use the arrow keys to get to tis login (or search for it, but this is not very fast).
So it would be great if the sort order of the item in 1P mini when trying to login to a website would be based on the frequency of the usage. So, if I use an login 20 time, it is in the list over (on top) an item that I just used 1 time.

Maybe this is just an config issue?

Thanks for the help.


  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GFEMajor,

    That's an interesting idea. Currently we sort the items in that list alphabetically but with the favourites at the top of the list. So you can favourite the item you will use the most often.

    To have it sorted by usage frequency we would have probably add a preference (which doesn't currently exist).

    Just so you know, you can remove certain vaults that you don't use often from All Vaults if you wish in Preferences > All Vaults.

  • GFEMajor
    Community Member

    Thanks for the fast answer. To favorize an item seems a good idee. I can't leave out some vaults, because I need them all ;). But since there are only few logins I need very often, this is a good solution for me.
    But the sort thing should be on your road map, because I think it is a good feature to boost productivity ;)

  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks @GFEMajor, I will make sure that we take a look at that feature.

  • jmcejuela
    Community Member

    +1 for sorting by usage

    I know I can star items. But sorting by usage essentially removes the need of starring and curating your items, which is more time consuming.

    At least to me, the sensible default is sorting by usage. But otherwise an option for choosing by usage or alphabetically would be greatly appreciated.

  • nmott
    1Password Alumni

    :+1: :)

  • Ton55
    Community Member

    I hope the 1Password team can look into this again. It's very annoying for power users to always have to open the '....more' button for an item that's not tactically renamed or faved to be on top of the list. Besides that: I've got way too much items to rename. The addition of a Sort by: Most Used option, especially in 1Password mini, would be perfect.

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Ton55,

    Thank you for giving us your input on how you'd like to see your items sorted! We'll keep it in mind for sure! :chuffed:

  • Ton55
    Community Member

    Thanks @Pilar That would help my productivity a lot!

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    :chuffed: :+1:

  • ianneub2
    Community Member
    edited October 2016

    +1 This would also be good in a case where the password file is compromised. Having a list of the most important/used logins would be great to prioritize what to change first.

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ianneub2

    I have good news for you :chuffed: If you go to the main app of 1Password, right under the search bar you'll see "n items sorted by Title" or something different. If you click there one of the options now is "Frequency used". I would recommend you to click there and see how that works for you. Please let us know what you think when you've tried this :chuffed:

  • ianneub2
    Community Member

    Oh sweet! I didn't even notice that. Thanks @Pilar !

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of Pilar, you're quite welcome! It's easy to miss those sorting options in the main app, but once you know about them, they can be really useful.

    Have a great weekend! :)

  • GFEMajor
    Community Member

    This is quite useful, but it would be more useful if the sorting mechanism would apply to 1P Mini also! There is the place, where I need the sort by frequency most.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks again for your feedback, @GFEMajor! I'd be glad to let our developers know that having those sorting options apply to mini would be helpful for you. I can't make any promises about if/when that might happen, but hopefully we'll be able to make some improvements there at some point.

    We're here for you if you need anything else! :)

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