I have the older vault. can I import that into 1P or sync it as a vault w/i 1P?

Community Member

Downloaded 1P, but before setting up I want to know if I can import, use w/i 1P or sync my older Vault to 1Password. If so what is the procedure? It currently resides on the Macbook Pro HD. Vault looks similar to 1P, so was thinking it might import, convert or sync! Secondly, I have downloaded 1P to my iPad and iPhone6s. I want access to 1P at any given time with 1P. Can I sync the Mac, iPad & iPhone so I don't have to manually key information into each device? Last, perhaps you can provide a link or procedures so accomplish these tasks, if possible, and direct me to full support help for 1P.
Thank you in advance, appreciate a response.

1Password Version: 6.0.1
Extension Version: Vault, 11.6MB, mod. 9/12/10
OS Version: 10.11.3
Sync Type: iCloud/Local Wi-fi/Other
Referrer: forum-search:I have the older vault. can I import that into 1P or sync it as a vault w/i 1P?


  • Hi @Borderdog ,

    If you have an older version of 1Password on your computer, you should be able to just launch the newer version and it will find your old vault and give you access.

    Once you have done that, you can set it up to sync. If you just have one vault, I recommend iCloud sync. Instructions for setting it up are located here:

    If you need any assistance with the above or have further questions, feel free to reply.


  • Borderdog
    Community Member

    Kevin: I'm not sure I understand. Perhaps you didn't see everything listed, as far as software versions, that I identified on 1st comment. Right now, iP and Vault show on my Dock. I have never had an earlier version of iP, but I thought the early versions of Vault from MacPromo was the earlier version of developing iP??? So, I have the vault version mentioned earlier & now the latest version of iP. They basically seem to do the same thing. Haven't looked at your link...but I will once I get more information about conversion/compatibility.
    Thanks, Aaron

  • Hi @Borderdog ,

    I'm sorry, it seems I misread when you said "Vault" as an older 1Password vault, and not a product named Vault. 1Password won't import automatically from Vault, but there are community supported converter apps that may be of help. More information on those is available here: https://support.1password.com/import/

    You would likely need to export your Vault data as a CSV file and then import it into the converter.

    Please reply if you have further questions.


  • Borderdog
    Community Member

    I am having some problems with 1Password. Can't seem to open. Getting "Unexpected Error," notices with cannot verify account or something like that. Have email from Lars who said he can't find an account for me and last he could find is from 2007 even though I purchased 1Password on 2/19/16. I think I have some conflict going on between downloading on one device via Apple Store and having multiple log in, i.e., apple id and logging in via goggle account. & I think I might have a conflict between two email addresses. Trying to open in MacBookPro which I am pretty sure I had opened before. Might coordinate with a Lars Olsson, as this is who had responded to an email which I thought was directed to Dave Teare.
    Vault, I thought, was a program from AgileBits; apparently not. I had purchased this password security software before they called them "apps." I think it was purchased via Macupdate but not sure. Only say this for history!
    Need some help. Would be nice if I could find a support telephone number, as I rarely do this forum thing.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Borderdog: Sorry for the confusion! If you purchased 1Password from the App Store, we won't have any record of it, as that is owned and operated by Apple. That would explain the date discrepancy. Does that ring a bell?

    If you'd prefer email, feel free to contact us at support+forums@agilebits.com — just be sure to include a link to this discussion for context. We'll get to the bottom of this! :)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2016

    Hey @Borderdog!

    We'll be continuing this conversation via email from this point, so please see my follow-up answers to your email. Thanks!

    ref: XSH-78771-869

  • Borderdog
    Community Member

    AGLars Took me a while to get back to this spot. I've finally started adding logins, etc, to my 1Password. Not so easy, I've had to manually enter information from my "original," "Vault," program which still works and is similar to 1Password. So, I've got another issue that I would rather address via email. Not sure how to get to you via email, so hope you'll respond to my email so we can converse somewhat privately!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @Borderdog: No problem! I see that we've received your email, so we can continue the conversation there. We'll get back to you shortly! :)

    ref: XSH-78771-869

This discussion has been closed.