1Password mini floating window bug

Community Member
edited January 2016 in Mac

When i open secure notes in 1Password mini and select/copy something from them, sometimes popup with note keeps floating. It's unclickable, the only way to close it is to close 1Password mini.

1Password Version: 6.01
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.2
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Hi @scsi_rdx ,

    Thanks for taking the time to let us know about this. I have a question, when this happens, can you try pressing the esc key. Does the window go away then?


  • scsi_rdx
    Community Member

    No, it does not.

  • Wow, that's bizarre, @scsi_rdx. The way that those windows work should make that impossible...and yet your screenshot clearly shows that happening. Have you noticed any kind of consistent way that you can get it to happen? Does it happen with all of your secure notes or only some of them? I've tried here and I'm not able to get that to happen.


  • scsi_rdx
    Community Member

    Usually it happens after i selecting some text and press Cmd+C, and after that click somewhere (browser window for example).
    It not happens 100% time, but pretty often. And yes, it happens with several notes (didn't check them all).

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scsi_rdx,

    When you say pretty often, would you say you would have seen it in say 15 or so attempts? I've been trying to replicate based on your observations but so far haven't been able to. It might be nothing at all but when was the last time you tried rebooting your Mac? If it's been a while it might be worth a reboot and see if the problem persists. Now it may very well offer no improvement at all but it isn't unknown to start seeing funky and unexplainable behaviour sometimes that a good reboot solves.

    It's a weird one that's for sure.

  • scsi_rdx
    Community Member

    Hello, @littlebobbytables,
    Pretty often: it happens 8-10 times since i start using 1Password 6, i upgraded to it at 6 December 2015. So not so often to reproduce it easily, but pretty often :)
    I reboot my mac rarely, so it can be the reason of course, but still, i certainly rebooted it between 6 December and now several times.
    Now i just applied 10.11.3 update, and 1 Password mini working fine. Ok then, if problem pop up again i can collect some system diagnostics (if you tell me how) and send it to you.

  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scsi_rdx,

    Do you have anything installed on your Mac to help you manage or control windows? Software like Moom for example might cause some strange behaviours.

  • scsi_rdx
    Community Member

    Hello, @nathanvf,
    No, i don't use any window management software. The only one that can be considered as a "hacky" is a ClipMenu, it's a clipboard manager which saves clipboard history and allows to paste it later.

  • @scsi_rdx Well, thanks for the additional info. Since the floating is not present any longer, let's just hope for the best. We weren't able to reproduce it on our end, so it may have been just a strange glitch of sorts. If you do see it again, a Diagnostics Report is much appreciated to help diagnose things. Thanks again! :)

  • scsi_rdx
    Community Member

    @penderworth ,
    Wanted to write that all is ok, but:

    How to make "Diagnostics Report"?

  • nathanvf
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2016

    Oh no @scsi_rdx, I'm sorry this is still happening to you! I am really interested to know what is happening here and what we can do to solve this.

    I have installed ClipMenu to see if it can re-create the issue, and have tried to go through the steps you outlined, to try and see what's happening here. I am wondering if there are any more details about how you got this to happen this time? It doesn't matter how minute the steps are, it would all be useful info for us to try and determine how exactly you're using 1Password.

    Here is how to do a diagnostics report:

    I'd love to take a closer look at your system to see if we can determine why this happened (and to give you better instructions to get back up and running).

    I'd like to ask you to create a Diagnostics Report from your Mac:


    Attach the Diagnostics Report to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report and ensure that it is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!

  • scsi_rdx
    Community Member
    edited January 2016

    Support ID: #QJY-64835-467

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scsi_rdx,

    Thank you for sending the Diagnostics Report! I'll update the email thread with details from this forum discussion so it's easier for our support team to get up to speed with the issue. Someone will take a look and get back to you as soon as possible with more information, and we'll keep the conversation going directly via email to avoid complicating things between here and there.

    ref: QJY-64835-467

  • jmhuculak
    Community Member

    Hi, I have this exact same issue. Has there been a fix for this yet?

  • Hi @jmhuculak ,

    Thanks for writing in to let us know. Unfortunately we haven't been able to reproduce this, but I do have a couple of questions for you:

    1. Does this happen only for a few items, or for any item?
    2. If a few items, are they all secure notes, or any category of item?
    3. What application is usually in the foreground when this happens? (or does it happen with any application open)

    With that, I hope it will give us a little more to go on.


  • jmhuculak
    Community Member

    Hi Kevin,
    Thanks for your note. Yes, it ONLY occurs with Secure Notes when I'm trying to copy and paste information in order to put it in an online form or something (Chrome). Once I close 1Pmini and restart my machine, it won't happen again for a while. It usually only happens when I don't restart my machine after a long time--but then again, I hardly go into my secure notes at all (maybe once or month?). When it happens again, I'll post a photo of all the applications that I have open at that specific moment. Cheers!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks @jmhuculak! We look forward to hearing from you once the problem happens again. In the meantime, I'll make sure @ag_kevin sees your message in case it helps. :)

  • shadrach
    Community Member

    Can confirm this happens in exactly the same way: MacOS, Secure note, copy and paste from it into some other text field, 1Password Mini window stays open.

  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @shadrach

    Could you please give us the exact version of 1Password and OS that you're using? When you say "copy and paste from it", do you mean right away or in edito mode? If you're in Edit mode it makes sense that it stays open, if you're not I'm having trouble reproducing this bug so some more details about it and your configuration would be ver much appreciated :chuffed:

  • madskier
    Community Member

    1password mini has done this twice now (first time I rebooted to get it to go away) where I pull up a note, copy some stuff out of it and then the window won't go away. The window is over the top of all other windows, except mini itself (so it seems like it's in an overlay plane).

    1Password Version: 6.3.3
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: 10.11.6
    Sync Type: dropbox
    Referrer: forum-search:1password mini window stuck

  • jmhuculak
    Community Member

    FYI: this problem went away for me when I stopped using Chrome.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jmhuculak,

    Thank you for letting us know! That's very interesting, and I'll make sure to forward this to our developers - hopefully it will help them figure out why this has been happening for some customers. :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @madskier,

    I'm sorry you're running into this strange problem with the mini window getting stuck on your screen! I hope you don't mind, but I've merged your message with another thread about the same issue.

    You can take a look through some other posts in this discussion if you'd like, but in short: This is something a few others have reported, but we haven't been able to reproduce it on our own Macs, so it's been very difficult for our developers to figure out why it's happening. It might be helpful if you can let us know the answers to Kevin's questions here.

    Also, do you happen to be using Chrome as your browser? jmhuculak just posted a reply (above) to say the problem went away when he stopped using Chrome. I'm not sure if everyone who has reported this issue is using Chrome or not, but it might turn out to be related somehow.

    ref: OPM-4316

  • Oxley
    Community Member
    edited October 2016

    Hello everybody,

    Same result in the same context: Secure Note, copy and paste.
    Use of a Macbook, Safari Version 9.1.2 (11601.7.7), 1Password 6.3.3 (633001).

    I tried to kill the process (1Password) with the terminal but "nada".
    I tried using CCLeaner hoping it could help but it did not.
    So, I restarted my computer.
    And again the problem appeared as soon as I needed to copy and paste info from a Secure Note.

    It already happened few times in the past but now it is kind of "systematic".
    I really hope you will find a fix.

    === Edit of this message ===

    After writing the beginning of this message I just had to use "Force Quit Applications" (Option-Command-esc) in order to quit a stubborn application and saw that 1Password was not in the list of running applications even if 1Password was running...

    Anyway, I just closed 1Password in a normal way (not by using Force Quit Applications since it was not in the list) and doing so it just closed the floating window.



  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Oxley,

    Sorry to hear you also ran into this odd issue! Thanks for taking the time to share the details of your setup and what you experienced, I'll forward that to our developers in case it helps.

    By any chance are you using Chrome as your browser? A few days ago, jmhuculak posted a reply here to say the problem went away when he stopped using Chrome. It could be a coincidence, but I thought I should ask in case it's related.

    ref: OPM-4316

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Oxley,

    I'm curious about this:

    Anyway, I just closed 1Password in a normal way (not by using Force Quit Applications since it was not in the list) and doing so it just closed the floating window.

    Did you only close the main 1Password app (e.g. using ⌘Q to quit it)? And do you have Always keep 1Password mini running disabled under General Preferences (not recommended)?

    When an anchored 1Password mini does get stuck on screen, selecting Help > Troubleshooting > Restart 1Password mini from the main app menu is one sure-fire way of closing it (and also causing 1Password to lock).

  • Oxley
    Community Member

    Drew_AG and sjk,
    And thank you for your answers.

    @ Drew-AG, NO I am not using Chrome since as I detailed I am using Safari (precisely Safari Version 9.1.2 (11601.7.7)).

    @sjk I have "Always keep 1Password mini running" enabled.
    Thanks for the tip about how closing 1Password.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for confirming that for us! We'll keep trying to figure out what causes this to happen, and in the meantime, if it happens again, restarting 1Password mini should help. Cheers! :)

  • fideloper
    Community Member

    I'm getting this as well. Is there anything more advanced I as a application developer can help check out?

    The window persists even when quitting chrome. Restarting Finder (killall Finder) and processes related to 1password do not remove it.

    One situation I'm in is that I have 1password installed from the app store and from direct download (I only open/update the one from direct download). That has caused some funkiness before. The direct-download version is 1password 6.3.5.

    Actually, as I type - quitting 1password mini did just remove the window. I don't know if I can tell what version of mini in chrome is running. The helper process I see running is .com.agilebits.onepassword4-helper

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @fideloper,

    I'm sorry this is also happening on your Mac! I'll let our developers know you're willing to help. We really appreciate it! :)

    For now, restarting 1Password mini should make that window disappear when this problem happens. Just open the main 1Password app and go to Help > Troubleshooting > Restart 1Password mini.

    I don't think having both the Mac App Store and AgileBits Store versions installed at the same time will cause this particular issue, but it can sometimes lead to other odd behavior. From your description, the AgileBits Store version of 1Password mini is running, so no problem there. But if you don't use the Mac App Store version (1Password.app), it's best to remove it by dragging it from Applications to the Trash (make sure you don't use any app cleaning tools when you do that).

    If you have more questions about that, just let us know! :)

    ref: OPM-4316

This discussion has been closed.