iOS Sync Taking Forever

Community Member

My sync on my iPhone and iPad Pro appear to be in a state of continuous syncing over Dropbox. I’ve been letting them go now this morning for close to 2.5 hours and they are still syncing. I have around 1063 entries in my vault and noticed file file names in my directory that say “conflicted copy”. Is there anyway to resolve this? When I try to search my entries on my iOS devices, the listing constantly refreshes and it’s hard to select an individual entry. Thoughts?

1Password Version: 6.2.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: iOS 9.2.1
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • kevinwestby
    Community Member me impatient, but I deleted the files (there were only about 7) that had the “conflict” in the name and the sync magically completed. Still showing 1063 entries, so I think I am good again....very odd.

  • Thanks for the update @kevinwestby. Glad to hear that worked out for you. If we can be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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